One Love Two Mouths. (Zach Abels)

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One Love, Two Mouths -A Zachary Abels Story



"Where are you taking me?" The girl asked as she stumbled over her own two feet, two hands clasped firmly over her eyes.

"You'll see," the man who had her moving to an unknown location replied. You could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

She knew she wasn't in any real trouble, Jesse was her best friend and she knew he wouldn't let anything happen to her, but she still had a feeling in the pit of her stomach she wasn't going to like where he was taking her, hence the reason he had his hands over her eyes, preventing her from seeing where they were going and immediately protesting.

"I have a feeling I don't want to go wherever you're taking me," she frowned.

"Kendall you'll be fine," he laughed from behind her, aggrivating her even more.

He pushed her into his chest, covering her eyes with his forearm so he could open the big, bulky, black door. She heard hushed voices as soon as she entered the room.

Jesse took his arm off of her face to let her figure out where they were on her own. She immediately frowned. She was met with four unfortunately familiar faces staring back at her, three with curiosity, one with a glare. She spun around to face Jesse and harshly whispered,
"I don't want to be here! Let me go home!"

Jesse shook his head. "You've never seen one of my shows. You're staying."

Kendall gave him a pleading look but Jesse was stubborn and wasn't going to give in. She made her away as far as she could from Jesse's bandmates and sat down against the wall.

"What's she doing here?" the bassist- Mikey Margott asked.

"She's gonna watch us play," Jesse said with a smile


Jesse shrugged. "Why not?"

One of the guitarists- Zach Abels rolled his eyes. "She obviously doesn't want to be here, let her leave."

Kendall scowled. "Fuck off."

Zach payed no attention to her as he raised his eyebrows at Jesse as if to say 'see?'

Jesse sat down to their drummer, Bryan Sammis. "She's not leaving, so you guys can suck it up."

The other guitarist besides Zach- Jeremy Freedman laughed. "None of us have a problem with her staying besides Zach. He's just got a grudge because they used to have a thing."

"Used to," Zach mumbled and Kendall brought her knees up to her chest.

Jesse ran a hand through his hair. "I thought you guys were over that?"

"We are," Zach stated and Kendall nodded.

Truth was, Kendall wasn't even close to being over Zach. It was two months ago, and if he could let it go, so could she, but Kendall didn't want to. She didn't want to forget the electricity running throughout her veins when they touched, the feel of his lips on her neck, collarbones, lips. She didn't want to forget the feeling she got in the pit of her stomach when he smiled at her, knowing that he was hers, and she was his. Waking up to the sunlight streaming through the window and landing on his face in little strips, accentuating his facial features, making him even more irresistable than he already was. Kendall shook her head as she felt tears stinging in the corners of her eyes.

She didn't want any of that to end, and because it had, she was a wreck. She'd stay in her room eating and crying and sleeping, repeating the process for about a month and a half. He didn't leave her with an explanation as to why he broke it off, just saying he couldn't take it anymore in a text message and never saw her again. Never visited, never called, never asked about her to see if she was okay even though he knew she was far from it. She couldn't fathom why he even did. Things were going great, they were in complete euphoria during the relationship. It was perfect.
So why did it end?

Kendall felt a lump in her throat and she stood up, blurting out that she had to use the bathroom.

Jesse blinked. "Third door on the right down that hallway," he pointed. "Are you okay?"

Kendall nodded furiously and ran towards the direction he said, five pairs of eyes burning holes into her back as she did.

As she reached her destination, she shoved open the door and ran inside one of the stalls, heaving the contents of her stomach into the toilet bowl. She couldn't help it. This always happened when she replayed the scenes of her and Zach's relationship.

She always worked herself up over the happy memories. They had dozens of them and only a handful of sad, but she would give anything to go back, to be in his arms as he ran his nose through her hair when she was sad, his arm draped tightly around her waist as she was pulled into his body as they slept, making her feel safe. It was the little things she remembered.

After wiping her mouth and flushing, she sat down against the wall and sobbed, they wracked through her body like a hurricane. She didn't want to see him, it hurt too much. His hair that was always styled up when they went out, or his bed head that made him look like a child, the nosering that would brush across her own when they kissed. She missed it.

"Ken? Are you okay?" She heard a voice through the door, recognizing it as Jesse's.

She didn't reply, and after a few moments she heard him announce that he was coming in and he softly crawled under the stall to get to her. He looked at her swollen eyes and frowned, pulling her into his chest. "Kendall, I thought you said this was over and done with."

Kendall shook her head as she cried harder. "I thought it was!" She sobbed, her voice muffled by his tee shirt. "It was too much, seeing him again, giving me the cold shoulder. Do you know how much that hurt?"

Jesse shook his head. "Everything's going to be okay," he assured her as he ran his hand up and down her arm.

She sniffed. "You don't know that."

Jesse frowned. He didn't know that but he hoped it was true. He hated seeing her like this, so, so broken. He hated knowing that Zach was reason. He hated that Zach never told them why he even ending things in the first place. One day during soundcheck he told the guys nonchalantly that they were through and he never spoke about it again.

"I don't want to go back out there," she croaked as she wiped away the few tears that were about to fall.

He pulled her away from his chest and wiped her eyes with his thumbs. "You'll be fine. I'll put you on the side of the stage opposite of him so you don't have to see him."

Kendall nodded. "You owe me big."

Jesse laughed. "I know."

yaaay. prologue done! I hope you guys like this story. I'm getting started on chapter one right after I post this because I am so excited for this story. Kendall Fairwood will be portrayed by Miranda Kerr and everyone else will remain themselves. (Until I add more of my own characters.)

Also, a heads up for this story. The boys in this story are 21 so there will be a fair share of swearing, alchohol, and possibly sex or anything of the likes of that. I'll put warnings at the beginning of chapters if there is smut involved so read at your own risk. (:

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