Chapter 14- Lemon Tree

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One Love, Two Mouths - A Zachary Abels Story

Chapter 14 – Lemon Tree

And I know that she cries by the red in her eyes, she's been waiting for signs that never call – Magic!


It was eleven o’clock in the morning, and Kendall turned to the side of her makeshift bed to discover a body inhabiting the other side.

She felt sore and immediately learned that she was naked.

Did I have sex last night?

She turned her head to discover Noah, peacefully asleep with his arm slung loosely over her torso.

She could distinctly remember last night’s events.


“…It made me realize how much better I can do than you.”

His words stung, and she found herself dialing Noah’s number through blurred vision. He was the only person she had, despite the fact she hadn’t even known him for twenty-four hours.

“Hello?” His voice was clear.

Good, she thought. I didn’t wake him.

“Hi Noah,” she cleared her throat. “It’s Kendall.”

“Hey,” his voice perked up. “Is everything okay?”

“Do you think you could come over to my loft? I know we barely know each other but I kind of need someone,” she trailed off as she wiped her eyes.

                “Of course, you’re floor eight, right? I’m floor two so I’ll be there soon.” With that, the line ended and she headed to the bathroom to clean herself up.

                Minutes later a knock on the door sounded through the empty loft and she shuffled over to open it; In the doorway stood Noah in a white v-neck and black sweatpants, a grin on his face.

“Hey,” he smiled.

“Hi,” she weakly smiled. “Come in.”

He walked past her and leant against the kitchen island, his arms crossed over his chest.

“Would you want to tell me why you called me at midnight in need of company?”

She frowned and looked at her feet. “Not really, it’s just ex-boyfriend problems and I needed someone to help keep my mind off him.”

“It’s alright,” Noah soothed as he walked over and wrapped his arms around her small frame. He rubbed his hand up and down her back as she clung to him tighter.

She pulled her head away and looked up to him. “Thank you,” she smiled.

He looked down at her, his eyes flickering to her lips. Before he could protest she leant up and pressed her lips to his, removing her hands from his waist and putting them around his neck. He kissed her back fiercely, running his hands through her hair as he let out a throaty groan.

Her hands dropped down to tug at the bottom of his shirt. He disconnected from her and pulled it off, throwing it down and continued to kiss her. Eventually all of their clothing was off besides their undergarments and Kendall’s pants. She made sure the lights were off before those came off to avoid questions.

“Are you sure about this?” He asked as his fingers hooked at the hem of her panties. She leaned up and kissed his jaw.


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