Chapter 12- Pitch Black

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One Love, Two Mouths – A Zachary Abels Story

Chapter 12 – Pitch Black

someday when it all goes black I might want it all back, but I know I can't go back to you. –sky Ferreira



Zach sighed. He didn’t expect it to be easy. Her response didn’t surprise him.

“Tell me what happened,” she mumbled. “Tell me why you left.”

He looked down. “You don’t want to hear it.”

She closed her eyes. She really didn’t want to hear it. All of the things they did this morning, all the touches and sweet words, they would be wiped away. On the other hand, she needed to know what could possibly tear him away.

“Try me.”

He ran a hand through his hair. “You can’t be pissed. You asked.”

Kendall rolled her eyes. “I have every right to be pissed. You’re lucky I’m speaking to you.”

Zach pursed his lips. “It was after we had sex for the first time, our six month anniversary. Do you remember?”

“How could I forget?”

“That was possibly one of the best nights of my life,” he admitted. “It wasn’t directly after, but maybe a week or two. I met someone.” He heard Kendall suck in a breath, but he kept going.

“Her name was Calliope. Probably not her real name, but that’s what she went by. At first she was nothing but a friend from high school, she just helped supply me with cannabis, but then eventually she wanted more than my money from me.”

Kendall was crying now. He cheated? She knew this was a possibility she thought about for the times he was alone, but hearing him say it was a thousand times worse than having it inhabit her mind.

“More?” she choked. Her sobs were coming hard and fast, racking through her body like a hurricane, wave after wave she was hit by his words.

He nodded. He swallowed a lump in her throat and kept going. “It was a few days before I left she was very clear about what she wanted. She sent dirty texts and pictures, and at the beginning I was able to ignore them. Then one day I confronted her and that’s when things went downhill.

“Did she know about me?” Kendall whispered. “Did she know that you were in a committed relationship?”

Much to her dismay, Zach nodded. “She was horrible. That day I went over to her house and told her to stop, but things escalated and I couldn’t stop her. I think you know what happened.”

Her hands were in fists, her fingernails digging into her skin. The pain was a distraction, she couldn’t handle this.

“How many times? Was that the only time you and her..?”

 Zach shook his head. A whole new set of sobs erupted from her throat.

“That’s when I left. After the first time I had to leave. I couldn’t confront you, and she followed. I couldn’t get rid of her. Until one night she went out to a club and I didn’t go. I took that as a chance and I left her and came back. And now here I am.”

“Here you are,” she said.

Zach tried to grab her hand, but she pulled away. She got up and off of the bed and started packing her suitcase.

“Kendall,” he whispered as he tried to stop her.

“How many times? How many times did you fuck her while I was left back home, alone, broken, crying? How many times did you give yourself to her when I didn’t leave my room for a month?” She was angry, teeth clenched as she threw her clothes and toiletries in her case.

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