Chapter 9 - Immature Child

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One Love, Two Mouths – A Zachary Abels Story

Chapter 9 – Immature Child

  bitter words spoken, everything broken. it's never too late to bring us back to life – 5 Seconds Of Summer



                You don’t need someone to rely on. Not really. You’re perfectly fine being alone. You can be alone and happy. Because you are alone, you are free. You’re not pressured, not thinking about someone’s opinion on your outfit of choice or what you decided to do with your hair that day. But the best part of life is finding someone that you can be with and still feel free. Still feel like yourself, but more so with said person by your side.

                It was early in the morning when her phone vibrated. She figured it was a message from Jesse, so she rolled her eyes and grabber her phone from the nightstand. It was a simple text, one that only contained one word. One word that lit up her face with a smile.


                She was in desperate need of a getaway. She thought the alcohol could grant her that, but it only numbed her senses and made her feel exposed and delicate once the liquid courage left her veins. She quickly replied a simple ‘yes’ to the text and fell back onto her bed. She didn’t want her sister going with her. She just wanted it to be her and Jesse on some Caribbean island or a European country,  but she knew nothing could be that simple. Zach would somehow wiggle himself into the equation and ruin the whole trip, but it was four am, and she didn’t care. She needed some bonding time with her best friend and maybe the rest of the band.

                So she sat in anticipation until daylight shone through the blinds and left rows of light on her bedroom wall. She didn’t have any details due to the fact that Jesse never replied, but hopefully it would be within the week. Her house was stuffy and boring and she needed a change of scenery.

                At 7:49, he texted back.

                                Hawaii. Our flight leaves Saturday morning at 5:30.

                How cliché, Kendall laughed to herself. Hawaii. Even though it was a popular tourist place, it seemed perfect.


                It was Friday night and it was Jesse and the rest of the band in her house. They all had their stuff packed and it was terribly awkward. ¾ of the band was on the couch watching the tv. The one member that wasn’t was sitting on the kitchen counter, his back facing the living room. Of course Zach would be anti-social and boring. She didn’t even know why he was going or why she let him in her house. She was leaning against the stove, her arms crossed. She stared at him as he stared right at the ground. She wasn’t going to break the silence, and she knew that he wouldn’t either.

                She sighed and pulled out a can of soda from the fridge. The silence was suffocating, she couldn’t help but remember the time in their relationship where nothing was silent and nothing was awkward between them. Every moment was filled with laughter and kissing, but that was the old Zach and Kendall. Now, every moment was filled with either fighting or glares. They couldn’t stand to be in the same room without blowing up or avoiding each other. But now, she would’ve rather had that than the silence.

                If they were fighting, she still could’ve heard his voice, whether or not it was shouting insults and profanities towards her. She would be able to see his eyes, and be able to see his eyebrows furrow, like how they always did when he was mad. Now, she could barely see his face. It hurt her in the depths of her chest, and she didn’t know what to do to change that.

                Jesse walked into the kitchen and kissed her on the cheek. “Me, Jeremy, and Mikey are going to bed,” he said. It was already around eleven at night and they had to be awake early to catch their flight. She probably should’ve gone to bed too, but she couldn’t bring herself to leave Zach alone in the kitchen, so she nodded.

“If you two aren’t going to bed,” Jesse started as he threw a blanket over his shoulder. “At least talk to each other. Damn.”

Zach didn’t respond and Kendall rolled her eyes. She slid down to the floor and crossed her legs, looking up at Zach. She could see his face clearly now, and he seemed to be very concentrated on his feet that were swinging back and forth. His mouth held a grimace.

“If you’re going to give me the silent treatment, why are you even going with us to Hawaii?” She asked him as she twiddled her thumbs.

He sighed and his eyes met hers. “Because. They’re my friends and I want to hang out with them. Even if that means you come along too.”

She wasn’t sure if that was supposed to be offensive or not, but she felt a sharp pain in her chest.

“Well I hope you’re not planning on being an asshole the whole trip.”

“I won’t if you’ll stop acting like a stuck up bitch,” he shot back. “This feud between us, it isn’t all my fault, Kendall. If you would stop being so stubborn and would have forgiven me at the beginning things wouldn’t be like this. Stop acting like the fucking victim.”

She bit her lip. He was right, but she didn’t want him to know that she agreed with him.

“I know,” she whispered as she hit her head on the front of the oven. “I just can’t bring myself to forgive you.”

Zach scoffed. “Why the hell not? Don’t you think I’m hurting too? You don’t even know.”

She definitely wasn’t expecting this reaction. She was expecting him to yell at her and call her a child, an immature child. Not even for a second did she think that this situation would affect him too. She didn’t think he would be hurting as much as she was, or that he was even hurting at all. She always thought he was invincible. Her Zach never showed weakness even though she always did. He was always there when she was feeling low and always thought somehow he was in control of those negative emotions and never felt them. But in this moment, all of those negative emotions built up inside him were unraveling, and fast.

“Do you know how much I want you in my arms again? How much I miss holding your hand, or seeing that stupid smile of yours?”

Tears were welling in her eyes. “You think my smile is stupid?” She choked.

“So stupid, you’re so beautifully stupid. You have no idea how proud I was to call you mine. You were the best thing that ever happened to me, and I can’t even stop being a downright asshole for long enough to prove it to you.” He whispered.

Her heart lurched as he hopped off the counter. She stood up and they stood in the kitchen, staring at each other. His chest rising up and down with his rapid breathing.

She opened her mouth to speak but he wrapped his arms around her and brought her into an embrace.

“Don’t talk, okay?” He voice cracked and he smoothed down her hair and kissed her forehead.


Woowowwow look I updated how much do you guys love me.

Next chapter they’ll be in Hawaii!!!!

But yay if you have any ideas or things you want in the next chapter just message me and I’ll try to include them. 

And I can’t believe the last chapter got 50 votes! You guys are literally the best I don’t know how you guys deal with my crappy updating

But hey thanks for reading ily

(too lazy to proof read so if there’s mistakes im sorry)

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