Chapter 11- 'Us'

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One Love, Two Mouths – A Zachary Abels Story

Chapter 11 – ‘Us’

You’re the better half of me; you’re the only half I need. – You Me At Six


                It was weird, waking up in the morning with Zach’s arms wrapped around her torso, and not having a hangover or an ache in her lower region. It was, nice.

                Kendall turned her head and looked at the analog clock on the nightstand, 4:24 am. The sky was slowly starting to lighten. She released herself from Zach’s loose grip and walked out onto the balcony. The ocean breeze was brisk, but nothing she couldn’t handle.

It was weird, after last night, were they finally civil? Finally friends? She knew they definitely weren’t back together, but the soft kisses and words that came from Zach last night had the only intention of being apologetic. She felt like amidst all their make-ups, this one seemed different. Sincere maybe?

“What’re you doing out here?” a raspy voice sounded from behind her. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the breeze.

“Didn’t wanna miss the morning,” she replied. Zach snorted.

“What’s there to miss?” She turned around and rested her hands on the railing behind her. She rolled her eyes and gave him a lazy smile. She noticed he was clad in only black tight boxers, then realized her lack of clothing as well. She was only in the plain black t-shirt he wore the night before and a pair of very boring underwear.

He let the corner of his mouth slip up into a half smile as he approached Kendall and put his hands on either side of the railing, pushing their bodies together. She could feel him, all of him, and she would be lying if she said she wasn’t a little aroused herself.

“How about,” he said, nipping at her earlobe. “You come back to bed,” he kissed the base of her throat. “And we hardcore cuddle?” he smiled as he stole a quick kiss.

She leaned her head into his shoulder and smiled. “I’d like that.”

He grabbed her hand and led them back to the warm, inviting king bed. He sat down and pulled her onto his lap. He began leaving kisses all over her upper torso.

“When we were together, did I ever tell you how much I love it when you wear my clothes?” He said in between kisses.

She tensed at the topic of their old relationship, but melted into his lips as they reached her sternum.

“I don’t think so,” she said breathlessly.

He chuckled against her skin. He loved the effect he had on her. He loved that he could give her butterflies, make her knees weak, her stomach will up with butterflies. He could invade her thoughts and make her stumble over her speech, and he didn’t even need to try. It was satisfying. He loved her, and he was hopeful he was the only man who that that effect over her.

She managed to pull herself off his lap and fall onto the pillow on the other side of the bed. She was very tired, and the only appealing thing was falling asleep with Zach’s sweet scent invading her every thought. He always did.

“Can we sleep?” she pleaded as she grabbed his hand and pulled him down onto the opposite pillow.

He pouted out his lower lip.

“Please?” She whispered as she grabbed his arms and attempted to wrap them around her body. He eventually gave in after watching her struggle and pulled her against him, tightly.

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