Chapter 13- Intoxication

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One Love, Two Mouths - A Zachary Abels story

Chapter 13- Intoxication

drink, fall, spew, telephone you. when you're alone in your room, what's that boy doing? - The 1975


"I'm so poor," Kendall murmured to herself as she sat on the wood floor in her new home. She barely had any money left, so buying furniture was going to wipe her clean. She couldn't retrieve her things from Jensen's due to the fact that she would somehow figure out Kendall's new residence. She couldn't call anyone for help that would want to give away her location. She groaned in frustration and fell back on the floor; hitting her head on the boards in emphasis.

All of a sudden a thought popped into her head and she pulled out her phone.

"Mom, do you still have that money account for me?" She said with a smile.

"Of course sweetie, it grows every day. Do you need it?" The sweet voice on the other end of the line replied.

"Yeah, I'm kind of in a predicament. I bought a loft and I have no money for furniture."

"Of course you can have it sweetie. I'll have to stop by the bank tomorrow to make the account accessible to you. I'm so proud that you're finally living independently," her mom said.

"Thanks mom," Kendall replied with a lump in her throat. "I miss you, how's dad?"

"Oh he's well," her mother's voice perked. For some reason, talking about her father gave her a burst of joy. "He's so well. I swear I can feel the big day coming."

"That's good. I'll have to visit him soon." Kendall wiped her eyes. She hadn't visited her mother or father in seven years. After her parents decided to move and she stayed with Jesse, she never thought about going to Laguna Niguel to see them.

"That would be great dear," she could hear her mother choke up on the other end of the line.

"How about I come down and visit this weekend? It's only Wednesday, so I could figure out my housing situation and stay with you for the weekend?" she smiled.

"Of course!" She could feel her mother's enthusiasm.

"I have to go now mom, I better find some food before I starve," she laughed. "I love you, see you soon."

"Of course, Kendall dear. I'm so worried about you, last I saw you were stick skinny and hanging out with that band with, what's his name.. James?" Her mother questioned.

"Jesse," Kendall laughed.

"Yes! Jesse! How has he been? What about that boy you like, Zach? Did anything ever happen between you two?"

Of course, leave it to her mom to remember Zach's name but not Jesse's. Her mother has always been a vacuum cleaner for drama. She never liked being left out of her daughter's lives.

"Jesse is good, he's in Hawaii right now with his band," Kendall left out Zach for a reason, hoping her mom wouldn't bring him up again.

"Hawaii? How delightful. How come you didn't go? You guys were 'besties'."

"I did, actually. I left this morning because of some, issues that rose but everything is fine." She hoped her mother wouldn't sense her false tone.

"Oh alright," her mother got the hint. "Anywho, I'll be looking forward to your visit! I've got lunch with Jackie down the street so I must get going. I love you, be safe," her mom said into the phone.

"Love you too, mom," Kendall replied and then pressed the 'end' button.

Kendall stood up and grabbed her keys from the counter. Furniture could wait, but she did need to risk going to Jensen's to pack her things.

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