Chapter 15- Stockholm Syndrome

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One Love, Two Mouths - A Zachary Abels Story

Chapter 15 - Stockholm Syndrome

I know they'll be coming to find me soon, but I fear I'm getting used to being held by you- One Direction


It was two months after visiting her father in the hospital.

The doctors claimed that people in comas are sometimes able to hear what's going on around them, and somehow, Gianni was able to respond.

That didn't mean he was waking up.

Gianni Fairwood was still in the coma, and after Kendall heard the doctors regurgitate the dreadful words that flew through her head, she promptly went home after having a quiet lunch with her mother. Kendall wasn't sure what her mother was feeling. Her stoic face showed no signs of disappointment. It was worrying, but there was nothing she could do. So she went back to her apartment. But if she knew what was back at her apartment, she would've stayed with her mother until Sunday like she said she would.

It was raining, and Kendall had pulled off her soaked hood as she stepped out of the elevator and froze at the slumped figure against her door.

Of course it was none other than Zach Abels. Could he not take a hint?

"Oh my god," Kendall bitterly laughed. Zach looked up from his perch on his knees and he looked like shit

His eyes were dark, hair greasy, and face pale and blotchy.

"Ken," he croaked.

"How long have you been out here?" she snapped. This was ridiculous.

"Since this morning," he replied weakly. "I escaped lock-down from Jesse. You have to give me props for that."

She narrowed her eyes at his lame attempt at a joke as he ran a hand through his hair. He looked like shit but he was still the most gorgeous human Kendall had ever seen.

"How'd you find me?" She breathed as she sat opposite of him against the wall, tucking her legs underneath herself.

He chuckled weakly. "I'm the obsessive boyfriend that made sure your cellphone could be tracked in case you did anything stupid."

"That's funny," Kendall said. "You're not my boyfriend."

"I was," he whispered.

"Big mistake that was," she spat.

"Don't you act like that," he cleared his throat. "At one time I was all you wanted."

"We all want things we can't have."

This stuck a cord within Zach. The statement was the harsh truth. The thing he wanted was her, but he couldn't have her. He was toxic. He was a disease, and she was the remedy. He killed her slowly, just to help himself. He couldn't stand to have her save him and let her sink. He was all she wanted, but all smokers want cigarettes, but none of them want the cancer that goes along with them.

"I love you," he breathed. "You know I do. I'm sick of being a fuck up, Ken. I'm sick of hurting and apologizing to you. I'm going to give you what you want."

"And what do I want?" she quirked an eyebrow as she crossed her arms over her chest.

"For me to go away," he replied after a few moments of silence.

"You don't get to decide that you asshole," Kendall spat as she stood up. She hovered over him, tears threatening to spill.

"You don't get to decide what you think is good for me. You think you leaving is going to be better but it won't. Stop playing the fucking victim, Zachary. I left because you needed to feel how I felt. You're not the toxic one in the relationship. I'm destructive and you know that better than anything else. But we make it work," She choked.

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