Chapter 2- Stupid Little Band Mate

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One Love, Two Mouths.  A Zach Abels Story
Chapter 2- Stupid Little Band Mate


They had just finished their set, and Jesse retreated from the stage to look for Kendall, but unfortunately she wasn't there. He ran around backstage shouting her name and asking people left and right if they had seen her, most replied with a shrug or shook their head, except one.

"I saw her run into the loo, not sure if that helps but that's the last time I saw her."

Jesse patted him on the back and with a small 'thank you', he ran in that direction, also noticing Zach was missing, too.

"Fuck," Jesse mumbled to himself as he ran down the halls. "If they're together something is going down."

He burst through the door and frantically looked inside the room.


"She's gone."

"Zach?" Jesse whispered as he saw a figure bundled up in the corner, knees drawn to chest.

"She's gone," He repeated.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Jesse said, furrowing his eyebrows. "What do you mean she's gone?"

"I lost her. I fucked up and now she's gone and doesn't want me anymore."

"Zach," He said as he approached the figure. "What did you do?"

Zach clenched his teeth and ran his hand through his hair, tugging on it tightly. He did a successful job of keeping the tears behind closed doors- until now. He sniffed as he hit his head against the wall.

"She doesn't want me! She ran in here crying and I went to go see her and she doesn't want me anymore!"

Jesse frowned as he sat down next to him. "Zach, man, you fucked everything up. You broke up with her, you pushed her away, you tore her apart."

"You don't think I know that?!" Zach yelled as a sob raked through his body.

"I want her back," He whispered to himself. "I thought I could get by without her, but you brought her back and I just- I can't."

Jesse shook his head as he pulled out his phone, dialing her number. A few rings later and he was hit with the auto-matic voicemail. He groaned in frustration as he locked his phone and put it back in his pocket.

"We need to find her," Jesse said, standing up. "Who knows what she's doing now."

"I can't believe that fucker came back and had the balls to talk to you," Kendall's sister- Jensen said as she spooned a heap of ice cream into her mouth. "What a dick."

Kendall sniffed as she stared down at her half pint of Cherry Garcia, not having much of an appetite after the events that replayed just a few hours ago.

"I still love him."

"You're an idiot."

Kendall put her spoon in her lap. "Excuse me?"

Jensen put another spoonful of her dessert into her mouth before speaking, "You heard me. He's an arrogant asshole who tore you to shreds and you still love him."

Kendall stuck her finger in her icecream, pulling out a cherry and chewing on it slowly as she sniffed.

"Like I could stop as soon as he broke up with me. Jen, it's not that fucking easy okay? You and Aries have been together for a long time, imagine he broke up with you. You'd still love him too."

Jensen was quiet as she looked at her lap. "I guess you're right."

Kendall snorted. "I know."

They were both quiet as a million thoughts ran through Kendall's head. She still loved him- that was true, and all she wanted was to be back in his arms, spending lazy Sundays on his couch watching reruns of their favorite movies, waking up in his bed and walking into the kitchen to find him making breakfast, his fingers making guitar riffs when he was nervous, the silly little texts they would send, how every conversation was light and funny, and she just wanted him, but the question was, Did he want her, too?

Kendall's thoughts were interrupted by her phone ringing.

"Who is it?" Jensen asked. "It better not be Zach."

Kendall picked up her phone and looked at the screen. "No, It's Jesse."

Kendall stared at it for a few moments before declining the call and throwing it onto the other couch across the room.

A few minutes later Jensen's phone rang, and Kendall didn't need to ask to know who it was.

"Hello?" Jensen answered. "Yeah she's with me, your stupid little band mate screwed everthing up again," there was a short pause before Jensen started speaking again. "Yeah she's fine," she said and gave Kendall a small smile as Kendall blankly looked down at the blanket covering both of them.

"Yeah, will do. Bye, Jess."

Kendall stuck her spoon in her icecream as Jensen looked at her.

"Apparently Zach is pretty messed up right now."

Kendall looked up at her with wide eyes. Why was Zach upset? It was all his fault, after all.

"Jesse is coming over, and so is Zach."

Kendall put her icecream on the coffee table. "No! I don't want to see him! I told him I didn't want to talk to him in the bathroom!"

Jensen rolled her eyes. "You know how stubborn Jesse is, so really Zach was going to come with or without him anyway."

Kendall frowned as Jensen's words were true. Jesse wanted them to talk, and he would go to the ends of the Earth to do what he wants. And Zach, well, he was Zach, and would find a way to talk to her sooner or later, but Kendall was hoping it would be later, later than a few hours.

Jensen leaned across the loveseat to embrace her little sister. She hated to see her sad, and would do anything to get that stupid little smile back on her face.

"I love you, okay? Everything will be fine. I'm here and I always will be."

Kendall sniffed as she hugged her back, holding back tears. She didn't want to look like a wreck when the boys arrived.

As if on queue, the doorbell rang and they pulled away from their hug.

"Are you ready?" Jensen asked as she stood up, getting ready to answer the door.

"No, not really," Kendall croaked as she picked up the icecream to put it back in the freezer.
She quickly ran into the bathroom to fix herself up as she heard two familiar voices in the foyer.

I can't do this, she whispered to herself as she held onto the sink.

 I can't.
Hahaha sorry! This is a filler chapter, so a lot will go down next chapter. I'm happy with the feedback i'm getting on this story. I've been busy with school so i'll try to update tomorrow!!

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