Chapter 10

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"Rosie?" I heard someone calling my name. "Rosie!" They weren't happy, so probably Severus.

Jumping out of bed, I ran and hid in underneath his bed. I heard the door open and slam close before his footsteps stormed around the room.

"Idiotic, inoslent woman! Where are you?" he growled, walking around the room.

I heard the door open and close again, signialing his leaving. I climbed out and silently screamed as something grabbed my wrists. Whipping around, I looked and saw Severus on his bed, smirking.

"You know, I never got to thank you for that new apparence you gave me." he let go of me and I bolted for the door.

He gave chase, firing the tarantallegra spell. I got hit, falling down before getting up and dancing. I glared at him as the spell forced me to dance. Severus was smirking as I danced quickly and troubledly. I saw black at the edge of my vision and finally collapsed.

I woke approximately an hour later, I was still on the floor, dirt covering my face. I stood and glared around the room for the black caped tormentor, but he wasn't in sight. My stomach growled and I concluded it must be time for dinner.

Quickly taking a shower, I ran to the Great Hall. I stopped outside the doors and straightened my robes before walking in and going to the staff table, seeing an empty chair for me.

"How nice of you to join us, Miss Riddle." Severus sneered.

I glared, unhappy that my chair was next to his. Looking to Dumbledore for help, he only smiled and waved politely.

I looked at my plate of food and started eatting ravenosly. I haven't eatten the past few meals, so I needed to pig out in this meal. I finished my plate and looked at the plates around me, everyone was eatting except for Severus and Dumbledore. Reaching over, I snagged a piece of chicken off his plate and smirked when he protested. Then, it was time for the students to return to their dorms, teachers to their rooms. I had guard duty tonight, so I got to patrol the halls. 'This is going to be just great...' I sighed.

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