Ch. 3: Dancing In The Dark

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~Stay on the streets of this town and they'll be carving you up alright, they say you gotta stay hungry, hey baby I'm just about starving tonight! I'm dying for some action~

Kiyomi's POV

I have no words to describe my new team. Seriously, no words.

Kadan and Naoko are always sniping at each other, with Naoko normally instigating. Gin just sits on the side and watches, and seems completely uninterested in the entire thing. And our "sensei", Kinio, isn't much help wither. All he does is tell the boys to stop once, then gives up.

And then there's me. I try to stop any of the squabbling if possible, but if it seems they're too far in, then I don't bother. Their voices give out eventually. Gin and I seem to have an understanding, so I guess he's not that bad. And I think Kinio feels sorry for me, being the only girl with a bunch of teenage boys.

Today was no different than the other two days we've been together. Naoko and Kadan are being annoying, and Gin's being distant. Kinio looked like he was about to stop them again, but then his eyes hardened.

"I hate doing this," the older man began, closing his eyes in irritation. "But you leave me no choice. SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!"

Needless to say, we all froze. Kinio had never raised his voice, and it was absolutely terrifying. So without another thought, we all quickly gathered around the man in a semi-circle.

Kinio sighed. "Thank you," he breathed, rubbing his head. "Now, you've all known each other for about two days, and none of you really know each other. So that's what we're going to do. Starting with Kadan, we're going to go around the circle and introduce ourselves. Say... your full name, your age, your strengths and weaknesses, and why the rest of your team isn't competing in the exams."

We all looked at Kadan, as he was supposed to start. The red-haired boy thought for a moment, then nodded and began. "My name is Kadan Hiromasa, and I'm sixteen years old. My strengths are combining my taijutsu with my Kekkei Genkai, and I'm not amazing at both ninjutsu and genjutsu. And the rest of my team just wasn't recommended for the exam. Guess our sensei didn't think they were ready."

Naoko looked a bit interested at a specific part of Kadan's introduction. Probably the same part that interested me. "What's your Kekkei Genkai?" the long-haired boy asked curiously. Yeah, I want to know as well.

Kadan shrugged. "It's not that strong. It's called Kakureru, and it makes me completely invisible."

'Really?' I deadpanned. 'I can do that with a genjutsu.'

'Well, Kakereru is actually pretty different from a genjutsu,' Fenrir stated knowledgeably. 'I know of it. It's stronger, for one. It requires less chakra than your genjutsus, and it can't be detected nearly as easily as one. Even an Uchiha couldn't see through it. And if there's bare flesh contact, the invisibility is passed on.'

'Huh,' I mused, giving Kadan a second look. 'That's... actually a lot stronger than I thought. Interesting.'

"Alright, thank you Kadan," Kinio responded, as Kadan was apparently finished with his explanation. "Naoko, you're next. Then Kiyomi, Gin, and I'll go last."

"Gotcha," Naoko smirked, clasping his hands together in his lap. "I'm Naoko Tsumikiyo, and I'm turning sixteen in a few weeks. My father raised me as a samurai, so my strengths are what you'd call kenjutsu. But as such, my weaknesses are anything involving chakra, especially ninjutsu." Kinio looked a little worried at that, though I'm not sure why. "And I don't have a team, so obviously they wouldn't come with me."

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