Ch. 28: Untraveled Road

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~'Cause one voice is enough to make sleeping giants wake up, to make armies put their hands up and watch whole nations stand up, it's one belief, one spark, one faith and one restart, and we can reboot the whole chart before it all falls apart~

Kiyomi's POV

The five of us quickly moved so we were closer to where the rest of the Konoha nin were. Obito was laying on the ground with the Fourth Hokage and Kakashi watching him, and Naruto seemed to be in the sky on some weird bird.

Obito had just finished saying some things to Kakashi and was forming hand seals when a black mass erupted from his shoulders. At the same moment I felt a pang in my head, a pang that exploded into a blinding headache that made me collapse to the ground with a groan.

The worried sounds of my concerned friends were blocked out by the pain. It felt like something was going to explode. I closed my eyes, and once again was whisked into my mind. Gods, this is starting to become the new fainting...

In the familiar landscape of my mind, the first thing I saw was Fen, who looked surprised to see me. "Kiya, why are you here?" he asked, then he saw how I was clutching my head. "What's wrong?!"

I tried to speak, but I couldn't seem to form the necessary words to describe the pain in my head. It was strange, the fact that my head hurt and I was also in my head. I also distantly noticed that I could see out of both eyes, but I couldn't really focus on that.

Fen was fussing over me when a familiar box rose up out of the ground, making both of us still in recognition. That was the box where we stuck Zetsu. The box was shaking, almost like it was about to explode.

Then it did explode.

The black wave that was Zetsu rocketed out, heading straight for me again. Seriously though, why doesn't it chase Fen? But the wave seemed larger this time, much larger. Unlike before, when it could only surround my head, this time it seemed like it could easily cover my whole body.

The side of my face and my eye where the blackness was stung horribly when the wave came in contact with me. It didn't hang around though, instead forming into the black sphere around me. The sphere was much bigger than the first. I still couldn't see Fen, though.

It seemed like Zetsu had more power this time, because instead of whispers I actually heard regular speaking. Gods fuck this. Like seriously. Come on.

Another different thing happened. As I stood there, frozen in place, a multitude of Zetsu clones rose out of the ground, all having the same appearance as the original with a single yellow eye and made of darkness.

There were literal hundreds of them, all staring at me maliciously. One at the front opened up a hole below it's eye and began speaking. "As the previous attempt at manipulating you seemed to fail, this time we're just going to use brute force. I'll take physical control of your mind!"

My face pulsed with pain with each word the thing spoke, and I really wasn't sure how I'd escape this one. I don't have time to try and regain movement, and this time Zetsu seems to be more careful, and also stronger. I don't know how, that's just what it was.

The body that spoke had only taken one step towards me when Fen appeared. Except this time he didn't break through the sphere in a burst of light, but instead materialized from the darkness itself.

It... wasn't really Fen, though. The wolf's body was ghostly, and without color. It looked like Fen's ghost had gotten stuck in a black-and-white world, to be honest. And the eyes. They were blinding white, with no pupils or anything. Like the iris had just disappeared, leaving the sclerae behind.

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