Chapter 15

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After dropping Becky off at the station, Dara drove off to Kmag while sending a message to her assistant to confirm the meeting and to set up the main conference to be ready. Lugging all the papers she needed, she proceeded to her office to get her power point ready and note the things she needed for the meeting. Kwanghee, as usual, will be late so Dara guessed she's going to do the meeting by herself and will brief him later. She arranged all her papers by category then paused when she saw a paper with a hand writing that is not hers. It has a number on each paragraph and it took a while before Dara saw Donghae's signature at the bottom of the page with words of You owe me. Forehead creased, her eyes flitted back to the top of the page to read his messy scrawl.

Yes, I came from a big family.

I like blue. And probably red.

No, I'm not fond of sweets.

Dara blinked before she bunched up her fist in elation. These are the answers for her interview questions! She immediately went to her computer to open up her draft article folders not wasting a minute to wonder what Donghae had eaten to gave her the interview she had been chasing him on. Well, not really the interview but these answers will do. She called her assistant to push the meeting one hour late as her fingers moved on the keyboard to set up her draft. She only paused when she get to the part when her question stated Why name it Aquarium Mall? In which Donghae answered,

I don't know. Aquarium Mall just popped into my head one day. I got this fish I seem to be really fond of that's swimming around and around in his little aquarium. I don't even remember when I bought it or why but the fish looks pretty. It looks like Nemo.

Dara flashed back to the time when she told him she wanted to hold on to a fish that doesn't belong to her and Donghae thought she wanted to have a pet so he bought her one. It stayed in Donghae's unit and they have been taking care of it when they were dating. Guess she forgot about it when everything got messed up. She shook her head and continued to type. She closed her eyes in dismay after reading another line. Why did she even include this question? She thought she could skip it during the actual interview. She probably wrote it out of mere curiosity. Or maybe because there was a small piece inside her that wanted to know.

This question is personal and you can choose not to answer if you don't want to. You had been in an accident two years ago resulting in a Retrograde Amnesia where memories for a certain period of time are permanently lost. But on stocks and sales, you have immensely garnered almost 60% increase on your profits for the first year after your accident. Any secrets? Have you, by any chance, retrive a piece of your memories and used that to get your competitors blindsided?

No. It was Donghae's answer. No secrets really. I just don't have anything else to do. I made my office my home.

Short, precise, and direct to the point. It disappointed and relieved her at the same time. She continued typing then let out a groan at the next answer she is transcribing from Donghae's answers. She pushed the keyboard away from her and stared at the monitor feeling like she wanted to just let her assistant type it. What is she even thinking to include this in her questions? Every damn answer is just making her shaken for whatever reason. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she pulled the keyboard close to her again and started to type.

By being one of the most successful business entrepreneur, you became one of the most eligible bachelor in Korea. Any thoughts of settling down?

I have thoughts of settling down. But I'm waiting for someone.

Is there a chance Filipinas could change your mind was supposed to be her follow up question in case Donghae answered in the negative but he wrote his answer anyway.

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