The Phone Call

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A/N: imma post twice in the same day?

yes i am!!!


I frantically pushed past Mabel going up the stairs in my rush to reach the phone.

"What are you doing?!" Mabel yelled at me.

"Calling Wendy!" I yelled back.

I heard her yell something to me but I ignored it and grabbed my phone from my bag. I punched in the number from the hat I had already memorized and waited jumping from foot to foot trying to contain my excitement, and trying not to pee.

I heard a click and Wendy's voice, "Hello?"

"WENDY!" I practically yelled. "I found your phone number in your hat and then-" I was talking a mile a minute.

"Whoa slow down! What do you mean?" Wendy sounded confused.

I slowed down, "The phone number in your hat, on the little tag."

"Sorry dude, I don't have a clue what you're talking about"

My heart fell and I sat down on a chair. My wild hopes were dashed, I was expecting this to be where Wendy told me she really liked me and we all lived happily ever after. She hadn't even wanted to talk to me in the first place after all.

"Man, are you okay? Are you still there?" Wendy asked sounding nervous.

"No I'm fine. Hey."

It was awkward for a second then Wendy asked, "What did you say about a tag in my hat...?"

"My friend here in Piedmont, Tyrone, was looking at your trapper hat and noticed a small tag inside it where a phone number was written and on the other side it said, 'call me when you get home.'"

"I never put anything in there like that."

"Then who did?" I felt super nervous again. What if Bill was still out there? Maybe he was watching me right now. I shivered and hugged my knees to my chest for comfort.

"Maybe Mabel was just playing a joke on you." Wendy said unaware that Dipper was having a mini panic attack on the other end of the line. "Or maybe Pacifica..."

Dipper started hyperventilating, he had convinced himself a triangular pot of his mother's was surely Bill watching him and was inching away slowly. He reached for a large serving spoon and swinging it as hard as he could, shattered the pot.

At the loud crash Wendy stopped theorizing and asked, "What was that Dipper?"

Dipper didn't answer trying to recover from his panic attack.

"DIPPER! ANSWER ME! Is it Bill? IS HE THERE!!?" Wendy started panicking too.

Dipper took a deep breath. And tried to talk calmly, "No our.. um.. cat just crashed into a flower pot and broke it. She's been really crazy lately."

Dipper didn't have a cat.

"Oh. Sorry I freaked out."

"It's okay."

They talked a little more about the tag. But then Dipper's parents started calling to him to come to the front room for a "family meeting".

"Sorry Wendy I have to go."

"Do you want to talk later Dipper?"

Dipper was overjoyed, maybe she really liked him after all, "That would be great!"

"See you." The line clicked dead.

"Bye." Dipper said to empty air.


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