3 Signs He Likes You [Tsukishima Kei]

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You giggled giddily as you hugged the magazine you were currently reading earning weird stares from your friends. The articles in this magazine were truly entertaining, you thought and continued to flip throughout the pages when, a very interesting sentence caught your eye.

'3 Signs He Likes You'

Reading the first words, Tsukishima instantly comes to your mind causing your heart to skip a beat. You wondered if Tsukishima would match up with what the article said. Though you know that not all boys are the same. You couldn't help continuing to read the article.

He Gives Compliments

The first sign made you think about your first date with him causing you to sweatdrop.


Here you are, almost giving yourself up to Tsukishima. You have spent hours in choosing your clothes and fixing yourself and even woke up early just to get a headstart. You stared at him, awaiting his response to which he only clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"What took you so long?" He 'tch-ed' as he turned around and began walking to your date destination not even bothering to see if you were following.


You shook your head at the memory, maybe the next sign would be more relatable.

He initiates

Once again, you remembered your first date with Tsukishima. Or rather, the reason to your first date. You and Tsukishima had mutual feelings for each other and, because of Tsukishima's personality, you were the one who took action in asking him to a date.

You sweat dropped at what happened and gradually you started to become annoyed. You didn't know if you were irritated at the article, Tsukishima, or yourself.

Yet, you continued reading.

He touches you

This time, you knew for sure that this 3rd sign was wrong. Or wasn't visible with your relationship with Tsukishima. You knew he wasn't the 'touchy'-type yet you always wanted to give him a hug or a kiss every time you see him. In fact, he doesn't even like saying 'I love you' to you.

A loud sigh escapes your lips causing yet another glance from your friends to face your way. It was either this article wasn't very good at depicting signs of love, or...

Tsukishima doesn't love you.

At that thought, a tap on your shoulder interrupts you.

"Let's go home." You turn to face your 'boyfriend' Tsukishima wearing his usual bored face.

You couldn't bring yourself to tackle him into a hug or greet him cheerfully. Instead, you managed out a weak nod, taking your things.

Waving to your friends, you and Tsukishima leave the room.

All the way home, you couldn't stop thinking about that damned article. Did Tsukishima even loved you?

"So, how was that manga you were reading yesterday?" Tsukishima suddenly asks, breaking the silence.

His sudden question startled you, Tsukishima wasn't one to start conversations and even when you two were talking, he would be doing all the listening (if he had his headphones off) Though he wasn't even looking at you, his question definitely caught you off-guard.

"Uh, it was cool. Haruhiro was finally able to kill a goblin..."

"Eh, is that so." He mumbles, still not looking at you.

It was hard to believe. He remembered you talking about that manga yesterday. You felt so strongly about it and you even thought he wasn't listening. But he was.

You stopped walking as your face reddens. He remembered.

Tsukishima notices your sudden stop and looks at you.

"Hey, if you don't hurry, your mom might get mad at you again." He informs before walking once more.

You gasp. He also remembered that your mother scolded you yesterday for getting home late.

Thinking about all the little and big things he would always do for you, like tutoring when your didn't understand the subject or encouraging you (through insults) to try harder and always do your best, and even giving you small trinkets like little gifts or sometimes giving you a small peck on the cheek, your heart did a big leap making you squeal.

"Wait up, Kei!"

Screw magazines.

Tsukishima did love you.

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