Comfort [Ushijima Wakatoshi]

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Blinking in confusion, Ushijima couldn't help but stare at your shaking figure as you struggled to hold in your tears while biting your lip. Anyone who bothered to look should notice that something was wrong, that being Ushijima's case.

He had tried many times to pay no attention to you reminding himself that it was none of his business, whatever reason you had for crying in the middle of class. But each time he looked away, his eyes would always drift back to you.

He was trying hard to ignore your constant fidgeting-which was hard since he sat just beside you, he contemplated on giving you a tap on the shoulder to ask if you're okay.

No, no. What was he thinking? He shouldn't butt in on other people's business. Besides, he's not exactly friends with you either, just an occasional chat between the two of you whenever you both had the time then it was over. However, that didn't mean he didn't notice how you walked zombie-like into class today, or how unkept you hair was this morning.

He stole another peek in your direction, careful not to get caught by you, the teacher, or anyone else for that matter. Ushijima gulped as he saw your face, which was contorted with pain-closed eyes, shoulders up, head down. He thought again if it was wise to talk with you when you suddenly stood up.

"U-um. Excuse me, sensei. May I use the toilet?"

The teacher gave a firm nod in your direction, giving a slight glare for disturbing the class.

The captain watched as you quickly walked out of the room careful not to trip due to your blurry vision, which was caused by the tears you were holding back.

Ushijima sighed. He should feel relieved that he wouldn't be hearing your quiet sobs, but he couldn't stop imagining the way you clenched your fists as if you were going to die if you let go, or the way your breath was shaky despite the absence of tears on your face.

Sighing once more, ha gave in as he excused himself to the teacher as well. He was going to find you, and heaven help him he was gonna comfort you like there's not tomorrow.


Letting out a shaky breath, you finally let your tears flow freely down your cheeks, as you sat by the wall of the school roof with your knees to your chest.

"What did I do wrong?" You sniffed, hugging your knees tighter.

Yesterday, you boyfriend decided that you two weren't working out, and you noticed it too. You were just surprised that he'd give up that easily.

"I'm really sorry (Name)," he had said genuinely that it was hard to be angry at him. "I don't want you to marry some guy that's not right for you. I do hope we'll continue being friends."

You both gave each other a forced smile, said 'see you tomorrow' and left to your separate ways without another look back.

You remember crying that night, and that morning before you went to school, you were depressed and all your friends knew what had happened. So, thankfully, they decided to give you some space.

It was the last (and most boring) period, so your mind couldn't help but wander back to all those times you spent with your boyfriend. Ex-boyfriend now. And, without you noticing, your eyes filled with tears as you held back a sob. So, to avoid awkward looks from your fellow classmates, you left the classroom, ashamed and sad.

You sighed, leaning against the wall. You were about to close your eyes when you felt a presence beside you.

Turning your head to the side, you were surprised to see the captain of the volleyball team, Ushijima Wakatoshi, glaring at you. Or so it seems.

"What?" you asked, a bit harshly, getting annoyed by his staring. "Is it wrong to cry or something?"

"What's wrong?" he asks, though with a pokerface. What's his problem? You didn't know if he was genuinely concern about you or he's genuinely a gossip.

"My boyfriend broke up with me, is that a good reason to cry?" You responded, while giving him a cold look.

His eyes widen, as though he finally understood the situation. However he began to fidget as you began crying once more. Just how much tears can you contain anyway?

"Don't cry." He says bluntly, catching you off-guard.

Anger suddenly surged throughout your body at his words. Why the hell is he telling you not cry? It's normal for people to cry when they broke up with someone right?

"I can't just stop crying all of a sudden, you know? Who do you think you are, ordering me around?"

He gulped as more tears streamed down your cheeks. Despite how furious you looked when you snapped at the him, he thought it was admirable how you were able to stand up against someone as menacing as him.

"I-I'm sorry please calm down." he said beginning to panic slightly (though his stoic expression remained) when he saw you glare at him.

"Hahh? You're ordering me around again, just because you're the captain of a famous volleyball team doesn't mean you can order people around, you jerk." You continued, earning an uneasy sigh from the captain.

He was growing restless of ur behaviour as you were both crying and criticising him at the same time. Then he had an idea, he was hesitant at first. But he thought, 'this should calm her down' and he wrapped his arms around you in a hug.

"Wha-?" Stiffening at his touch, you blushed at the sudden contact as you looked up at his still expressionless face which was dusted with a small tint of red.

"I heard that hugging someone while they're going through a rough time helps calm them down."

You were surprised for a second. How stupid is this guy? Coming back to your senses, you managed to squeak out, "O-oi. What do you think you're doing?!"

"Shut up. Just calm down." His words came out bluntly, but you knew he was just trying to comfort you, even when you decided to trash around and scold him he was still there, his hold on you never loosening. Eyes filling with even more tears, you let a long sigh escape your lips. "I'm sorry for being mean."

Ushijima's eyes widened at your figure, which was now hugging him back. He turned away, feeling his face grow hot.

He nodded despite the fact that you can't see him, however you felt his chin brush against your forehead signalling that he had nodded at you. Smiling a bit, you hugged Ushijima tighter allowing his fingers to rub tour back every once in a while.

"It will be okay." He barely-whispers as he unconsciously nuzzles your hair.

Stifling a laugh, you teased the olive-haired ace. "So is this part of the how to help someone calm down thing you heard?"

Chuckling in return, he held you tighter, causing another blush to go up your cheeks. "Yeah, is it working?" He asks as he looks down at you, a small smile on his face.

Nodding, you rested your head back on his chest, listening to the quicker-than-normal beat of his heart.

"Thanks, Ushiwaka."

Ushijima is my bias.

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