Delinquent? [Azumane Asahi]

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Moaning for the umpteenth time, you glared at the baseball that was sitting smugly on the storage room window. It looks as if it's sneering down at you, laughing at how you were much too short to be able to reach such a high place.

"Damn ball..." you cursed before searching your surroundings for something, anything to reach your goal.

'Okay, think. I need this ball until school ends, there are no chairs nor ladders around and the nearest school building is at least 4 minutes away. So if I did go take a chair, it will take 4 minutes to go there and 4 minutes to return. So that's a total of 8 minutes. Then, if I did manage to retrieve the ball, it'll take me 4 more minutes to go back to the faculty room.'

You moaned once more. All hope was lost until your eyes landed on a person.

A really tall person.

You grinned victoriously, as you finally found the solution to your problem, you were about to call out to him when you saw who he was.

It was Asahi.

Azumane Asahi.

That so-called delinquent who was rumoured to be held back 3 years because of his crimes and suspensions.

If you ask him for help, what's going to happen? What if he ignores you? Or picks a fight? Or beats you up? Or what if he takes the ball and throws it far far away? You could already imagine the look on his face when he sees how hopeless you are. He might even blackmail you and you were almost considering on agreeing on whatever consequence there was.

Shaking your head to get rid of these unpractical thoughts, you managed to gulp down your fear and eye him with determination.

If he was a delinquent, then you just have to play fire with fire.

"H-hey you, tall person!" You stuttered trying to keep your voice as gangster-like as possible.

He turns to you with a slightly apprehensive look on his face before pointing at himself. "M-me?"

"Yeah you, with the goatee. Asahi right? Come help me out here wouldja?" You called, keeping your voice and confidence in check.

He was a bit hesitant before walking to you, tightening his hold on his bag.

"What do you want me to do, (Name)-san?" He asks.

Confident that he didn't ignore you, you pointed at the window. "Help me reach that ball over there, you bastard." You sweat dropped. You didn't mean to add in that curse word.

"Er...okay..." He gulped nervously.

'Why's he so anxious?'

He began to stretch his arms up, standing on his tiptoes. However, the ball was still higher by an inch.

"Sorry it looks like I'm too short for this."

"Wwaah! Seriously?!"

He nods, unsure. "Yeah, couldn't you get like a chair or something?It's only like a few meters away."

"It will be too late by then, please (gym subject)-sensei will kill me!" you yelled furiously stomping your foot harshly.

"Why are you shouting?!" he yelled back though he was jumpy after seeing you stomp the ground repeatedly. 'Please don't kill me!!' he thought imagining himself as the ground.

"UGH. I told you sensei will fail me if I don't return this ball soon! So help me get the FRICKING ball!"

"The-then, PLEASE EXCUSE ME" He yells, suddenly hoisting you up on his shoulders.

You let out a yelp as your eyes widened. His hands were surprisingly firm on your legs as he gently stood straight lifting you higher on his broad shoulders.

'What's this? A shoujo manga?' you blushed at the thought.

You were spaced out for a few seconds before you got ahold yourself. With shaking hands, you quickly retrieved the ball before looking down and giving him a nod.

He let you down carefully, making sure that you were safely standing on the ground before standing straight again.

"S-sorry! You were yelling so much about the ball that I thought that I had made you angry..." He apologised, bowing.

"I-it's alright." You assured him. "You did help me get the ball."

"A-ah. No, it's no problem." He chuckled sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Oh no. You were a big help! Thanks so much!" You gave him a smile.

"I'm glad I could be of help. But I guess you're kind of different than I thought you would be."

"Huh? What do you mean?" You ask.

"Well, you were cursing at me a while ago, I thought I'd done something that angered you or something." He chuckled nervously remembering how hard you stomped on the poor ground.

"S-sorry. I thought you were a delinquent of some sort, I was a bit scared so I acted tough."

"That's okay, everyone thinks so..."

"I'm sorry!! I didn't really know you so..." You blushed. "But now, I think you're really cool."

His eyes got wide for a fraction before his face turned red.

"A-ahh, um. Th-thank you."

It was silent for a few seconds with only you two staring at each other before you decided to break it.

"Waah! I totally forgot, I only have a few minutes left... thanks again." Thanking him for the last time, you sprinted back to the faculty room, your head buzzing with thoughts of him, like the way he held you and how cute he looked all nervous.

'He's not so bad after all.' You giggle remembering him wave at you, a light red still visible on his cheeks. Hopefully, they won't be the only memories of him you'll cherish as you hope for many more to come in the near future. That, you were certain of.

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