Reward [Hinata Shouyo]

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You heaved a sigh. Being Karasuno's student council member, it was your duty to prevent fighting and other acts of violence amongst the students. Especially since you were also Hinata's girlfriend. You wouldn't want your boyfriend's adorable face to get bruised.

"Now, now. Settle down, you guys." You say, trying to reach out to the two of them in order to calm them down.

"THAT'S ONLY BECAUSE I TRIED TO MATCH YOUR PACE, SINCE YOU WERE SLOWING DOWN!" Kageyama yelled, pulling Hinata by the shirt.

"I-I WASN'T SLOWING DOWN!" Hinata denied as he tried to shake off Kageyama's grip with his thin arms.

They continued to bicker, ignoring your attempts to silence them completely.

Sighing once more, you stared at the two dorks, letting your arms fall down your sides. "Geez, you guys."

Sugawara gives a concerned look in your way. "You okay, (Name)-chan?" He smiles, trying to lighten the mood.

"Sorry, Sugawara-senpai. I'm alright. They just won't stop fighting." You pouted. "I'm also his girlfriend, but he's ignoring me."

"Well, maybe you should give them some sort of encouragement so that they'd stop fighting."

"Like a reward?"

"Mhm. Exactly."

"I see." You nodded. "Then-"

You touched Hinata's shoulder, making him turn to you. "You guys,"

"Y-yes?" Hinata sweatdrops at your serious face. Were you mad at him? He threw Kageyama a worried look. Kageyama also couldn't help but stiffen at your stern expression.

"If you both stop fighting for the rest of practice, I'll give you a reward."

"What kind of reward?" Hinata asks tilting his head

"A kiss."

Silence quickly spread around the gym, the only sound heard was the sound of crickets and the ball dropped by Asahi who had his mouth wide open.

Hinata was the first to get ahold of himself.


You smiled, giving him a nod.


"I wonder what reward mine will be." Kageyama mumbles to himself, getting in position.

"Seriously, Shrimpy is such a simpleton." Tsukishima sighs, making you giggle.

-After Practice-

"(Name)-chan!!" Hinata calls, dragging out the 'chan'.

"I didn't argue with Kageyama for the rest of practice!" Hinata boasts, sticking out his chest.

"Great job, Hinata-kun!" You chuckle, patting his head. "And now for your reward..."

Leaning in, you brushed a few strands of hair off Hinata's forehead before kissing him on the spot. Pulling away, you let out another giggle noticing how his head turned bright red as smoke came out of his orange hair.


"You're welcome, Hinata."

Oi, (Name), I don't think you've given Kageyama his reward yet!" Tanaka hoots. (he's Bokuto now XD)

"Right, right~" Nishinoya joins in.

"Hah? What are you guys talking about?" Kageyama asks, raising his brow.

"NO! I refuse! Don't kiss Kageyama!" Hinata complains, pulling your arm as he shakes his head furiously.

"Wha~ Come on Hinata, don't be selfish!" Tanaka teases.


In conclusion, the gym became even more noisy than before.

-Extended Ending-

"Ne, (Name)-chan, (Name)-chan, will you give me another kiss if I finished 10 whole meat buns?"

I don't think that's something I should reward you for, Shouyo.

Welp, haven't updated in forever. This one's short, sorry (^-^')>

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