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Ronan: I can't believe you're making me do this. 

Adam: Ronan, I am not making you do this. I asked if you would do this with me and you, somewhat grudgingly, agreed. Then when we were on our way here you started whining.

Ronan: I wasn't whining. Fuckface

Adam: Oh, you were also swearing at me. Thank you for reminding me.

Ronan: You piece of sh-

Author: Okay guys break it up. Tell them what you're here for.

Adam: We're supposed to be answering questions and performing dares. Ask or dare in the comments, please. 

Ronan: That loser dragged me here to answer questions.

Adam: *sighs*

Ronan: Let's just start already.

Ask Ronan and Adam (From The Raven Cycle)Where stories live. Discover now