Question Seventeen

489 23 4

From ace89x,

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?


Adam: Ummmm. Well, Ronan had looked that up, actually. 

Ronan: Yeah. What kind of question is that? Nerd.

Adam: Be nice.

Ronan: *shoots finger*

Adam: Read the answer Ronan.

Ronan: Me? I'm going to get myself a fucking pizza. *hands Adam sheet of paper* you can read it.

Adam: It's 11:00 PM, Ronan. Annnnd he's gone. Great. Okay, well, let's see;

"According to a Cornell publication, the answer is ~700 pounds. Excerpt: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Compared to beavers, groundhogs/woodchucks are not adept at moving timber, although some will chew wood."

 and there you have it. 700 pounds. Well, I guess it depends on the type of wood too. But that's as accurate of an answer as we could find. Hope this helps! In whatever you could use this for. I really don't know what this would apply to.

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