Question Twenty-Four

422 24 1

From tauruskid,

'What's the best thing you stole from your dreams?'


Ronan: Matthew.

Adam: That was a quick answer.

Ronan: Well, it's the obvious answer. He's my little brother, for fucks sake. How could I not choose him?

Adam: Cool down.

Ronan: You are being such a smartarse lately. Well, there was also Chainsaw. Chainsaw was the sickest dream creature. And maybe those documents I dreamt for you. But Matthew's certainly number one on my list.

Adam: Thanks for taking those documents into account. But those were kind of, I don't know... Terrible. For my father, at least. But-

Ronan: He had it coming.

Adam: I was just about to say that. Before you cut me off.

Ronan: I didn't know that.

Adam: Did you seriously think that I was going to defend him?

Ronan: Fair enough. 

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