Question Twenty-Five

425 21 5

From: pink-suburbia

'For Adam: would you rather listen to the Murder Squash song on a continuous loop for eight weeks straight, or turn into a lamp post for the rest of your life??' 


Adam: Lamp post. Without a doubt, lamp post.

Ronan: Hey, shut the fuck up. 

Adam: What? It'd be the equivalent of sitting on the Judas Cradle without dying for eight weeks.

Ronan: No one fucking knows what that is. 

Adam: You do, do you not? 

Ronan: The name sounds vaguely familiar, anyway. But no.

Adam: Do you even listen in English history class?

Ronan: Obviously. I wouldn't be just behind you in every class otherwise. I'm not interested in medieval torture methods, you know. I have more important things to remember.

Adam: Like what? Remembering the most effective ways to piss off the general populace?

Ronan: No, asshat. 

Adam: Then what?

Ronan: Hitting lamp posts, for one. Well, maybe not. My BMW doesn't deserve to be trashed like that. 

Adam: Fuck you too.

Ronan: No thank you.

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