Question Five

805 28 14

From tauruskid,

If you have to save anyone in the group (Gansey, Blue, Ronan/Adam,) who would it be?


Ronan: Why would you even ask that? I'd save them all if I could. Um. Only one? Shit. Shit. Adam. Or Gansey. I don't know. No offense to Blue. She's alright, but I haven't known her as long. Gansey was my friend first, and Adam came along after... but....I have no clue. I'm torn between the two of them.

Adam: I'd save Ronan. But then there's Gansey too... Unfortunately I can only choose one.... man, that's harsh. Ultimately I'd save Ronan. Wait, Blue and Gansey aren't going to see this, are they? Dammit. But I'd still pick Ronan I guess. But Gansey's in the equation too so i don't know! I like them both. 

Ronan: But you said me initially. So you like me more?

Adam: I never said that.

Ronan: You implied it.

Adam: Anyways, I seriously doubt anything's going to happen that would put one of us in a situation where we had to save only one.

Ronan: I seriously hope not.


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