Question Twenty-Two

420 25 5

From ace89x,

"What would you do if Adam decided to give you silent treatment?"


Ronan: I wouldn't care. Why would I? 

Author: Er, you're his friend. Wait, what even are you guys??

Ronan: No clue whatsoever. Something?

Author: That sounded like a question.

Ronan: ....

Author: Adam's being awfully quiet too, Ronan.

Ronan: Adam, seriously? Don't tell me you took that question seriously.

Adam: .....

Ronan: You're such a dumbass. 

Adam: .........

Ronan: What the fuck dude?

((( 2 hours later )))

Ronan: *calls from inside bedroom* Seriously??? This is getting really irritating. ..... What the hell? This is really stupid, Parrish. Ugh. I'm going to Nino's. Is Blue even working tonight?

((( 3 hours later )))

Ronan: PARRISH. What the hell. C'mon. What is even the point of this? ...................I saved a bit of pizza for you, ya know. You're welcome. Gansey ate pretty much half. He hadn't eaten anything day until then, he's been so busy obsessing over his Glendower journal. It's only two pieces, though. Better than none, and obviously you're not going back to St. Agnes, so I figured I may as well. .... Are you not going to talk at all? Are you mad or some shit? C'mon Adam. Please?

Adam: .... Whoa wait, did I just hear you say 'please?' Mark the calendar. *smirks*

Ronan: You're not funny, you piece of shit.

Adam: Whatever. Well, now I guess we know how you'd react.

Ronan: Piss off.

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