Chapter 2: Surprise

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POV: Paige

I pulled up to the venue and I quickly got out because I got lost and it was already 6:30 I was running way behind. I got to the door and gave the men my tickets and went to my seats. I did text Pattie and Scooter before hand just to give them a heads up, so I met Pattie at the doors. " PAIGE" I hear someone yell my name I turn around and see Pattie running towards me with her arms open. I run into her arms and give her the biggest hug, I really have missed her she is like my second mom. " PATTIE I'VE MISSED YOU SOO MUCH!!" She looks at me and smiles widely " I have missed you too much, and you better get in there before they shut the doors and someone spots me" " BYE" I yell as I start running towards the stadiums doors to go to my seats.

I finally get to my seats and Justin is in the middle of singing Nothing like Us on the piano, he sounds so beautiful I have always admired his voice especially when it's a song that really means the world to him. I always seem to get hypnotized when he sings, but I suddenly feel a tap on my shoulder, I snap out of my day dream and whip my head around quickly and see a teenage girl maybe a little younger than me. " Aren't you Paige Mitchell? Justin Bieber's so-called 'Best friend'?" I stare blankly at her and respond with a simple yes. She gives me the evil eye and continues to watch Justin. At one point he looks up from the piano and skims the front row of people he looked right passed me!!!! Maybe he can't really see people's faces ?

POV: Justin

As I sang Sorry  I skimmed the front row of people because those are the only people that I can ACTUALLY identify the rest of people from on stage are just a blur but as I skimmed I saw one face in particular that I thought looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. So for the next song I played I decided I was going to stand up and and dance around so I could get a better look.

POV: Paige

The next song he played was ' Sorry' which is my new favorite song ! I was getting turnt lol! During this song Justin was getting up and dancing. At one point of the song he was running down the first row of people and giving them high fives he was getting closer and closer to me, the closer he was getting the faster my heart was racing. Finally he got to me and he stopped, he stopped moving and stopped singing even the fans stopped screaming. He kind of just stood there starring at me until a huge smile appeared on his face and he SCREAMED loudly " PAIGEY!!!!!!!" He scooped me up,and placed me on the stage and squeezed me so tight I could barely even breathe. " Justin.I.Cant.Breathe.." I said quickly " Oh sorry, I've just missed you sooo much" he whispered in my ear  " Justin your in the middle of a concert right now...." I say as I look into the audience with a dumbfound look on my face. He quickly snaps out of his trance and looks me in the eyes and blurts out " let's call up fans and do a dance contest it's not a big concert it's a little one so we can pick more people" " I don't know Justin....." He leans in closer " PLEASSSSSSEEEE???" " Fine" I can't help saying without slightly blushing.

After we each picked 5 people each from the crowd we lined up with our teams getting ready to dance off. I picked this one guy who I thought was HOT and I might have flirted with him a little in the process of picking the others, but I can't help with a little innocent flirting . His name is Nathaniel and he has blonde hair and had beautiful blue eyes that sparkle in the light. But Justin decided to play a slow song so we had to partner up with a male and dance off. I quickly went to Nathaniel, but I could tell Justin was going to pick me but wound up with a girl who was probably 13 years old but it looked like they where having fun lol :)

I noticed throughout the time I was dancing with Nathaniel that Justin kept getting close and kept glaring at us with his big hazel eyes, they looked almost......hurt? Well after that the fans went back to their seats. I GOT NATHANIEL'S NUMBER !!! I am soooo excited i could probably scream. But as I was about to jump,off the stage to go back to my seat, Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me so closed to him our chests bumped together. " Justin what are you doing ?" " doing what I have been wanting to do for years now" he quickly leans in and places his soft plump lips onto mine. Our lips slowly move in sync and all I feel are fireworks and my stomach is fluttering like crazy. His tongue glides across my bottom lip but I denied and pulled away quickly, I looked into his eyes and ran off the stage quickly not looking back. " PAIGE, PAIGE, PAIGE !!!" I kept running until I reached the girls bathroom and started bawling my eyes out.

- tell me if you want me to continue this book or not ?

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