Chapter 11: Friendly Strangers

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" Goodbye Justin.. I'll see you soon.. and don't go parting and going wild without me.. save that for when I get home" He laughs slightly

He grabs my face and kisses my forehead " I wouldn't even dare, And i hope to see you all over the tabloids with my girl Kendall Jenner"

" Bye Justin..." I pick my bag up and slowly walk to my gate I turn around once more to see him standing there with his face in his hands crouched down low

I couldn't stand seeing him like that so I ran quickly to board the plane, I needed to get away from all this pain

I take my seat and and buckle up

We start to take off and I look out the window and all I could say was "Justin I hope you can spread your wings and fly... I love you and I will see you soon... Friend"



Paige POV:

So the past two years have been the best of my whole life

I have been modeling non stop and I have made soon many new friends like Kendall and Kylie Jenner, I haven't really talked with Hails after I left we lost contact .

" Hey Paigey can you get my jacket from my room?"

" ya sure one sec I am almost done, and kylie and tyga are picking us up in about 10 minutes so be ready!"

"Okay babe"

Oh ya and I forgot to mention I have a boyfriend named Kian, we where introduced by Bryant my photographer

We where going to go out with Kylie and Tyga for a few drinks since I finally turned twenty one last week

" Babe their here!" I screamed while running out to Kylie's car

I hope in the car and see Kendall, Kylie, and Tgyga all in the car

" hey guys! whats up?"

" Hey P" says Tyga from the front seat

" PAIGEY" Kendal and Kylie screech at the same time

I lean over and give both of them tight hugs

Kian hops in the car and we head off to the bar

The car ride gets silent and Kendall looks at her phone then looks at me with a worried face

" Umm paige I have some news.. and i don't know how your going to react"

" what is it Kenny.. Its nothing I can't handle"

she looks at her phone one last time then looks me in the eye

" Justin is going to be there tonight.."

I start to think about all the good times with him.. to be honest I really haven't thought about him that much since I left

I looked at Kian and realized why I haven't i really like Kian and that is all that matters

" Oh.. ok It will be nice to see him again.. I guess"

" No Paige.. thats not that bad news.."

I look at her really quickly

" then what is it??"

" He is going to be there with his new girlfriend... Hailey Baldwin"

My heart starts beating fast and I start feeling a bit dizzy

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