Chapter 3: Lovestruck

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POV: Paige
WHY WHY WHY I kept asking myself why did he kiss me why did I like it and WHY did I kiss back??!!! UGGHHH why did I do that. I just sat down in the corner of a stall and started crying over and over, I felt like a waterfall tears just kept coming no matter how hard I tried to stop them they wouldn't.

" Hello?..... Paige?....." I heard a young women say and I knew who it was right off the bat . " Pat-tt-y?......" I tried getting out before i started crying again. " Oh honey come here." I ran to her with open arms and started crying again and this time all over her, I felt her shirt getting wet so I quickly pulled away. " I'm sorry" I chocked out " honey why are you sorry , you didn't do anything wrong" " well I kind of just embarrassed your son in front of thousands of people well the whole world if the video gets out..." " no no no you didn't embarrass him he did it to himself, he was the one that kissed you" " About that I don't know what to do I liked the kiss and I felt fireworks like you wouldn't believe , I have never felt like that while kissing any guy I have ever dated before, but then I looked into his eyes and I just couldn't so that's why I ran off." " Paige you just have to think am I ready to make this commitment with Justin but also think about the future I mean you guys are best friends and would it really hurt to just be able to kiss your best friend every once in a while and call each other babe. " She said laughing I joined her and on that note we decided to head backstage and have a chat with Justin..

I walk into Justin's dressing room patiently waiting for him to show up, I hear him saying his goodbyes to his fans and I start to mentally prepare myself for this "talk". I hear the door creak open, I whip my head around now facing a sad hazel eyed boy. It saddens me to see him like that because I know that I caused it so I run to him and embrace his lips onto mine in one swift move. I feel him smirking into the kiss, he was a bit taken back by it but began to kiss back. He snaked his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to him if that was even possible. We finally break apart from one another because we need to breathe, he looks me in the eyes and kisses my forehead. I could tell that he didn't want to talk about it yet and neither did I so we went to the couch and laid down to watch a movie.

I woke up to someone carrying me, I open my eyes slightly and see Justin's sleepy face carrying me to my car. I hop out of his arms, snake my arms around his neck and give him a small peck on the lips and start opening my car door when all of a sudden Justin grabs my arm and pulls me the closest I have ever been to him and whispers to me " meet me at Starbucks tomorrow morning at nine" looks me in the eyes gives me one of his million dollar sexy smiles and kisses me on the cheek, turns around and walks away leaving me looking like an idiot standing there jaw open and eyes wide open not blinking. My car alarm went of breaking me from my daze and I hop in quickly and go home knowing my mom was waiting up for me.

I shut off my car once I got home and opened the door to my house only to see my mom on the couch reading a book just what I expected, she doesn't like going to bed knowing I'm awake and not home. I look at my phone and see that it's two in the morning, I didn't know I was out that long now I feel bad. " Mom I'm home sorry for being out so late I had an eventful night that I will explain later on, right now let's go to bed" " sounds good honey, Goodnight!" " Good night mom"

I walk into my room grab pajamas and walk into the bathroom to change and take off my makeup, I put my hair into a messy bun and flop onto my bed. I hear my phone buzz and I see there is a text message from Justin.

Justin: don't forget about what I said ;) tomorrow morning at 9

Me: don't worry how could I forget you left me there in a daze ;)

Justin: I tend to have that affect on women :)

Me: don't get too cocky I will drop you in a second ;) I'm going to bed

Justin: Goodnight beautiful ;)

Me: Goodnight Justin :)

And on that note I fell into a deep sleep

- Thank you
- tell me if it is good and if I should keep going or not ???

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