Chapter 26: Girls

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Chapter 26:

"I can feel like we are going to be really good friends" After she said that we started getting ready for practice

Talking to Christina reminded me I need to get together with Lia and Hails to explain everything

They have been texting me about everything thats been going on because they have only heard one side of the story and its from the medias point of view but I haven't gotten back to them because the last thing I want to do is revisit everything that happened....


Justins POV:

The whole time I couldn't keep my eyes off of Paige, I know she thinks I'm happy with just being friends but god its so fcuking hard to not be able to lover her and touch her and kiss her like I used to

After the whole dancing thing earlier I couldn't stop watching how she danced and how beautiful and sexy she looked dancing

It was lunch break and I was on my way to ask Paige to go to lunch with my but a girl came in front of me

"Hi Justin, I'm your new dancer Christina"

I tried to push her off by being as blunt as possible because I saw Paige starting to pack up and leave

"Hi Christina im Justin, see you later"

But Christina pulled my arm back and kept rubbing my arm

"I was thinking we could grab some lunch together, I mean so we can get to know each other better "

I look up from her seeing Paige gone I let out a breathe and nod my head

"Ya whatever" she claps and giggles running to get her bag after she comes back and links her arm with mine

I shrug it off and walk out to my car

We drive to the closest place so I can get this over with and it so happens to be the diner Paige and I used to go to all the time growing up

We walked in and asked for a booth, I had my hood and glasses on to help my disguise

No body had noticed me so thats a good thing, Christina and I where being walked to our table when I heard giggling and laughing , I turned my head and saw Paige, Aubree and nick all at a table together

I smiled slightly seeing Paige laughing, she looked so beautiful smiling and laughing

I didn't realize I was in a daze starring until Christina tapped me "Come on jay they have our table ready"

"Lets go sit over there" I say on my way over there

all of a sudden somebody yanked my arm so hard

"NO we are sitting by ourself I want to get to know you and I hate all those people " Christina says pushing herself against me

I step back a bit and look over at the table of all m friends

I see Paige looking at us with a bit of a frown and as soon as we make eye contact she looks away quickly

"Sorry Christina not today" I walk to the table and see there is one seat next to Paige

"Hey guys mind if we join?"

Everyone nods

I sit down next to Paige and lean in to give her a hug

She's My PurposeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon