chapter 19:You look hot

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he looks me in the eyes and places a small kiss on my lips and says " oh and I don't want you seeing those boys again" he walks away without hearing what I have to say

But too bad for him cause I already have plans to go over their house next week to film a video with them and hang out and I am not canceling

I smirk slightly, if he doesn't ask that means I'm not lying so I walked into Starbucks pretty satisfied with myself just wanting this day to already be over


So today is the day, I'm going over the dolans apartment behind Justin's back

I'm starting to feel really nervous and guilty, its not like im going to hook up with the boys, I'm with Justin

I feel my phone buzzing notifying me that I have a text message

It was Justin

Hey baby, wanna go and grab something to eat? I have a surprise! ill pick you up?

I guess I can go out to brunch with him, I don't go over Grays until one

Ya sure! im just going to drive myself but thanks, Where do you want to meet?

He responds about a minute later

Oh ok....lets meet at the diner down the street in about 10 mins?

Ya sure, see you there!

Love you!

Love you too baby

I put my phone down and go into my closet and pick out an outfit

I decided on a really pretty and thin sundress that had small spaghetti straps. Then slipped on a pair of white converse

I I left my hair down and put on my pretty pearl chocker

I grabbed my purse and hopped in my car, it took about five minutes to get there so by the Tim ei parked my car I spotted Justin heading in to the diner, I took a second just to take him in

He was wearing a white button up with green skinny khakis, he topped the outfit off with these really cute sunglasses I got him a few years ago.

Justin had his own style and I loved it, he looked really. Like really good today. I just realized how long his hair is getting and its really hot how it is now..damn have I been blind this whole time

I snapped out of my daze and walked it, I saw Justin got our regular spot in the corner booth, I walked over to him and he stood up and gave me a tight hug

He pecked me on the lips " Hey baby"

"Hey jay whats up" we sit down and stare in each others eyes

I don't know recently I feel like I have had a weird feeling towards Justin, I never was a fan about talking about my future so once we had that conversation the other day it freaked me out, so I have been distancing myself from him, I feel bad cause he's so oblivious about the whole thing

"Not much, I have something to tell you that I'm dying to say"

I giggle slightly cause whatever he want to tell me he's super excited about haha

" Go ahead" He grabs my hand and looks up at me

"Well tour starts up again in a few weeks, and scooter thought that we should go out and do some cleansing before we go on tour.."

He stops and put on a bigger smile

"Yaaaa" I say from being impatient

" Well I booked us a vacation... in....BORA BORA!!!!!"

My jaw drops "OMG JUSTIN THANK YOU THANK YOU SOOOOO MUCH, OMG I CANT BELIEVE IM GOING TO BORA BORA" He starts laughing not only because of how excited I am but also because I just screamed that in a public restaurant now half the people are staring at us

"Every since you where a kid I kew you've always wanted to go there so I decided this is what you deserved for being such a good gf"

My face drops after he says that and I start playing with my fingers

I feel beyond guilty right now and I just need to tell him everything thats been going on and start of on a clean slate

He looks up at me with a worried face " Paige whats wrong?"

"Um I haven't been completely honest with you lately"

He looks at me with a confused look

"Well to start off, the reason I have been acting weird lately is because you kind of freaked me out when we where talking about our future together, I just don't know I him ready to talk about that yet, It kind of scares me"

He takes my hand and kisses it "I'm so sorry Paige I didn't mean to do that to you, I promise next time ill wait till your ready"

I take my hand away slightly

"And lastly today I am going over the dollars house to hang out with them today" I say looking down and my fiddling fingers

justin looks up immediately with a bit of anger in his eyes

"Paige I told you to not see them anymore!"

"Ya but Justin they are super sweet and I didn't want to stop hanging out with them"

"Paige I know you can't see it but I defiantly can, that Grayson kid really likes you, he had the look in his eyes the first time I saw you after awhile of being separated a few years ago" He looks down at his fingers and sighs

I grab his hand "Justin, baby I'm sorry I never noticed, and I can promise you theres nothing going on between us, because I love you Justin, nobody else I promise"

"Ok Paige but theres only one thing that will make feel a bit better"

"Whats that?"

He looks at me with his signature smirk and I know thats never good

"I come with..."

I laugh out loud only to see that he's serious

"Oh...umm. Ok I guess but you have to promise me that your not gonna start shit"

I say pointing at his chest taking everything I'm saying he takes completely serious

He giggles and takes both his hands and squishes my face "I promise Paigey, if your friends with them I'm going to make sure I'm friends with them too" he pecks my lips and places a 100 dollar bill on the table, grabs his keys and starts walking out

"Text me the address babe and ill be there after I change" he says while putting on his shades

I slowly walk to him kiss his jaw and whisper in his ear "keep these clothes on baby, you look hot" I say as I brush my hand down his chest all the way to right above his area I feel him shiver and I pull my sunglasses down the same way he did and walk away slapping his butt on the way out

I turn slightly to see him frozen and then he snaps out of his daze and walks to his car with a plain expression I laugh and get into my car


Sorry for the lame chapter but this was just a filler for next chapter

The next few should get pretty steamy and possibly a break up involved?

Who knows?

You'll just have to see!

I won't post my next chapter if I don't get enough likes!!!! just an fyi SOOOO PLEASE LIKEEEEE!!!



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