Chapter 18: out with the old and in with the new

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I woke up the next day at four o'clock in the morning because I was thinking of what Justin was saying yesterday.

Not long after he said that I ended up going home because I needed to think, I told him that I was tired and then was going to my aunts house later on. I just don't think Im ready to commit all the way like that, I know he's not proposing but I needed space, I need to stand back and look at my options.

Since I was wide awake and it was still so early I slipped don my lulu leggings and a black nike shirt  and wanted to go for a quick run before I have to meet Justin at Starbucks like every Saturday 

I started down my street and just kept running with my music blasting through the earbuds into my ears

I kept running and running, till I realized I was by the pier almost five miles from my house, I decided to stop and sit on the pier and watch the sunrise

I was sitting there watching it when I heard

"Sorry to bother you but do you mind if I sit with you?"

I look up to see the most gorgeous guy, of course not as gorgeous as Justin but still up there, he had a completely chiseled jaw and his muscles I mean come on thats not air to be that jacked

He does look super familiar though, thats weird

"Excuse me-ma-am" he taps my shoulder

"Oh-oh ya s-sorry, sure no problem" I reply smiling

He sits down next to me and stares off at the sunrise

He then turns ands looks at me while I am already staring at him trying to figure out who he was cause he looks super familiar

"Oh I'm Grayson by the way" he holds his hand out

"ahha YOUR GRAYSON DOLAN ARENT YOU!" I knew I recognized him

"Haha yes I am, let me guess your a fan" he says giving me a big smile

I look away and turn to the sunrise

" Well WAS a fan until I stopped watching your videos about two years ago" he turns his head and puts his hand over his heart faking to be hurt

" Oh no offense haha its just I never had time to sit dow and watch them anymore, so seeing you in person is a lot different then seeing you on the screen lol" I touch his face playfully

He chuckles "well hopefully not in a bad way"

Before he even finished I said a bit too loud "OH NO: NOT AT ALL"

He laughs loudly and a blush sneaks up on my cheeks

" Haha well I'm glad that a very beautiful girl like you thinks so" he says looking away blushing slightly

I totally forgot that I never told him my name "Oh and by the way my name is Paige"

He turns to me with a smile "Well Paige its nice to meet you officially"

I turn full on blushing at this point, I mean come on my internet crush for months just called me beautiful

We chatted for a long time and was just taking in the morning air and beautiful sky until I look at my phone and see its almost nine o'clock and 10 missed calls and 30 messages from Justin


Grayson looks over with a worried face

" Is everything okay?" I start getting up and so does he

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