Chapter 7: Unexpected Guests

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I woke up to birds chirping non stop and the beaming light shining through the curtains of the bedroom

I look over and see no justin... but i do smell pancakes and bacon so i run down the stairs as fast as possible, I get to the kitchen and see my wonderful Justin shirtless with his back turned cooking breakfast

I decide to slowly walk up to him and wrap my arms around him from behind, his body against mine is warm and sends a feeling of relief through my body

" Good morning babe" he speaks in his raspy morning voice that gets to me every time

" Good morning Justin... I didn't know you could cook.."

" Yeah mom taught me some things while you where away but i still have things to learn,, Im pretty sure I mastered pancakes" he replies with a smirk

" Well I'll be the judge of that" 

I took a big bite of the pancakes and moaned in delight they where the best pancakes I have ever tastes

I was surprised by my discovery because the old Justin didn't even know how to boil water he wasn't  the cooking type of guy.

Justin seems to surprise me everyday with the new things he has learned to do and his personality seemed to change a bit 

" Babe these are amazing, Im glad you learned how to cook cause before I wouldn't even allow you to heat up food."

That remark earned a cute chuckle from Justin 

He came up to me and gave me a big hug and kissed me passionately, after we broke apart to breathe I asked

" what was that for?"

" Paige your driving me crazy" He says while eyeing me up and down very slowly 

Then I realized that all Im wearing over my undergarments is Justin white shirt that reaches right by my butt when Im standing up so when Im sitting down it barely covers me 

I chuckle slightly and stand up quickly running upstairs with Justin right on my heels the while time

I finally reach the bedroom and quickly shut the door before Justin can come in, I shut it right on time that when I shut the door I heard a big thud and heard " Ow" 

I bursted out laughing and headed to his closet

I always kept spare clothes at his house, I saw that I had left a bathing suit here and I wanted to go swimming 

I slipped the bikini on and put my hair in a high ponytail and opened the door to a pissed Justin waiting at the door with his arms crossed

But once I opened the door his frown turned into a smirk and looked my body up and down very slowly, he licked his lips and went to go and pull me closer to him but I giggled slightly and pushed right passed him and went down the stairs heading to the pool

Once I reached the back yard I decided to lay down on the lawn chairs for a bit to tan and a few minutes later I heard a big splash and felt water sprinkle all over me 

I look by the pool and see Justin smiling very big at me while fixing his now wet hair from getting in his face 

He smirks at me and pulls himself out of the pool in one swift motion and starts walking fast towards me 

knowing what he has in mind I get up quickly and try to run for my life but I wasn't fast enough

I felt two strong arms wrap around my waste and pick me up in bridal style and he started running to the pool 

" Justin NOOO Please.. Please I'll do anything.."

"Nope sorry babe"

The next thing I know I was holding onto Justin for dear life and we where under the water looking at each other so romantically 

We come above the water and we continue our gaze at one another

We start coming closer together, I wrap my arms around his neck and wrap my legs around his torso while he wraps his arms around me 

He starts leaning in faster and faster and right when our lips where about to touch we heard someone clearing their throat next to us

We quickly turn our heads to see the one person I thought Justin got out of his life forever...

"Selena what are you doing here..." 

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