Chapter III: Starting Over

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Dick woke up when he began to sense the sunlight burn through his eyelids. He sat up on the park bench. He felt tired. His entire body was sore. Sleeping on a metal bench didn't help.

Dick sat up from the bench and began walking down the street. After the accident, Dick kept walking till he saw the park bench. He crashed there for the night, not hesitating to rest. He wasn't concerned about police questioning him. He wasn't even worried about Rodrick finding him. His biggest concern was Nolan & whatever goons he might've sent after Dick.

Dick walked across the street & made his way to a nearby bus stop. He stood casually, waiting for the next bus. He had no idea when it would come or where it would go. He just needed to get out of Gotham.

Dick glanced around him. Next to him stood an older man wearing a suit. His blonde hair was combed over to one side. He carried a briefcase. There was a bench where a rather beautiful woman in a brown leather jacket & skin tight jeans tucked in combat boots sat. Next to her was another man. His dark hair was short & curly. He wore a casual button up vest over a button up shirt & a tie. He wore thick framed glasses. He was carrying a messenger bag.

Dick slowly looked back at the man standing closest to him. He wore a watch on his wrist. Dick was able to read the time. It was 11:13 am.

Dick tapped his foot, waiting patiently for the bus. He wondered about what he'd do once he got to where he wanted. But where did he want to go? He didn't know what he wanted at this point. He made it out of the subways, escaping Nolan & his twisted world. He got his money. He could go anywhere, do anything, be anyone.

The question was who?

Dick had spent so much time creating a plan to get out from the undergrounds that he hadn't thought of what he'd do when he got out. He spent too much time in the dark like a rat. He needed to start thinking like a guy again.

He wondered when the last time he saw Cheyenne was. Dick missed her. He really needed to see a familiar face. The idea of her was comforting for Dick. It actually brought a smile to his face, something he never thought he'd do again.

Suddenly a bus had appeared in front of Dick. Dick blinked for a moment. He was lost in thought & hadn't seen the bus pull up.

The doors on the bus opened up. The man closest to Dick walked onto the bus. Dick stepped aside for the woman to step on. She smiled and nodded to him. Then Dick stepped onto the bus.

Dick knew he needed to pay to get on. He reached for his envelope to get the money. As he did this, he suddenly remembered something. He opened the envelope, confirming his thought: all he had were hundred dollar bills.

Dick silently cursed to himself. He had completely forgotten that he needed change from the money.

Dick looked up at the bus driver. He was a burly man with a large, scruffy beard. He didn't look like a reasonable man.

Suddenly Dick felt a hand on his shoulders. He looked up & saw the man in glasses step up. "I'm paying for him," he said.

Dick watched as the man dropped two dollars & some quarters into the money slot next to the bus driver. The man then walked down the aisle to take his seat.

Dick turned back to the driver. The driver gave a slight grin & gestured to the seats with his head.

Dick let out a sigh of relief & walked down the aisle. He saw that there was only one seat available. It was towards the middle of the bus, right next to the man with glasses.

Dick bit his lip. He hesitated to sit down. He considered standing up, but still walked over.

Dick slowly sat down next to the man. He patted his thighs casually, hoping the man wouldn't look at Dick. He looked straight ahead. Dick could feel the man's eyes burn into his skull like heat vision.

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