Chapter XVI: Blood on Olympus

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Dick stared at the holographic screen until he recognized the streets well enough. After a moment of not identifying the landscape, Dick sighed and stood up from his seat. He walked to the hatch & stared at it. He wasn't sure how to open it. He was let in when he was scanned. Maybe something needed to scan him again?

Dick surveyed the walls, hoping to find some sort of activation panel, or keypad, or button. He had no idea what he was looking for. "Am I a prisoner now?" Dick mumbled to himself.

"No," said the vehicle's interface. "There is a hand scanner on the podium to the left of you."

Dick looked down to his left to find, in fact, a podium with a hand scanner. Dick sighed in annoyance. He placed his hand on the scanner, & after a brief moment, the hatched opened.

Dick called back to Roy. "Hey, we're not dead," Dick simply said, then stepped out of the hatch.

Dick found himself in a loading bay of some building. He looked up to find that the building was what he assumed was more than 50 stories tall. Dick whistled in amazement and searched the area to figure out where he was.

Dick looked down at a metal trash can next to him. He noticed a flyer sticking halfway out of the can. Dick slid the flyer out of the can & read it. It was a brochure for the Olympus Hotel, one of Maximilian Zeus' luxurious properties he owned in Gotham.

Dick looked up at the building. "Olympus," he mumbled to himself.

Roy slowly stepped out of the vehicle. "Oh, wow," he said. "Our hi-tech GPS took us to a hotel."

Dick shook his head. "Is this a set up?" Dick asked himself. "Nolan might be waiting for us somewhere."

Suddenly, static emerged from the inside of the vehicle. Through the digital chatter, Dick could make out a voice. He stepped closer to the vehicle, then a voice finally came through, echoing from the inside of the tank. "RICHARD!"said a low, digitized voice.

Dick turned back to Roy, who raised an eyebrow dumbfoundedly. Dick turned back to the hatch. "Um...Batman?"

"Good, you made it safely," Batman said. He said it with a sigh of relief. "You were taken to a hotel,"

"Yeah, Olympus," Dick answered.

"Alright, you will go in & ask for a room under the name of Daniel Barnes."

"Who's Daniel Barnes?" Dick asked.

"Nobody, it's a cover name."

"Is this your Batmobile?" Roy spat out.

The radio signal which Batman spoke through cut off, leaving only static. After a brief moment, the static silenced, with the hatch finally closing on the vehicle. The vehicle's engine then roared, coming to life. The tank slowly rolled backwards out of the loading bay and towards the front of the hotel. It finally sped away, into the traffic of the night.

Dick sighed. "Daniel Barnes," he repeated.

Roy sniffed. "Well, let's get going."

The boys walked into the glamorous hotel only to be blinded by the bright light resembling a sun hanging from the chandelier. Dick tried to look down, only to still be blinded by the reflection of the artificial sun through the glossy marble floor.

Roy had already begun to make his way to the reservation desk. Dick bit his lip, paranoid of being caught alone in the hotel. Dick was sure that Nolan Drake would find him.

Dick turned and noticed a large gift shop. Dick quickly made his way and disappeared in the maze of tacky tee shirts.

Dick stumbled into a rack of sunglasses. Dick glanced at it for a brief moment, then snatched one from the rack. He rushed over to the counter, dropping the sunglasses in front of the clerk & pulling out a wallet Bruce had given to Dick. Dick removed a dollar bill, only to realize it was another hundred dollar bill.

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