Chapter VI: Wayne Manor

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Dick watched as Alfred opened the bedroom door. Dick's eyes opened wide at the sight of the large elegant bedroom.

Dick's walk from the car to the front steps of Wayne Manor had been mind blowing for him. He hadn't seen a place that could bring him to awe in years. The building was large, like a castle of a king. Bruce Wayne's front lawn was basically a vast field that Bruce could use to defend his home with his own private army. The darkness of the night made the home look eerie, but hauntingly beautiful. The Manor was overwhelmingly magnificent. Dick's doubts about Bruce Wayne had momentarily vanished.

Now, as he stood under the doorway of his new bedroom, his wonder grew even more.

Dick walked inside, admiring the large window to the left. It took up almost the entire wall. A few bookshelves were built into the walls, & a few dressers were set along the walls. Around the room hung frames with paintings of different landscapes, all which seemed to be of Wayne Manor.

Dick went to the bed. It was a large king size bed with silk blankets & thick pillows. Dick pressed his hands down on the mattress. His hands sunk deep in the softness, like a large marshmallow. He couldn't remember the last time he had seen a proper bed.

Dick turned around & was startled by a giant family portrait. Dick's heart rate began to slow once he saw the portrait clearly. It was a father with his wife to his right, sitting in a large chair. On her lap sat a young boy. The father & son both wore dark suits that went well with their dark colored hair. The mother wore a dark blue dress that yet seemed to shimmer & glow in the portrait. Dick wasn't sure if it was the work of the artist or if that's how she truly appeared.

Dick turned back to Alfred, who had been watching him the entire time with a friendly smile & his hands behind his back.

Dick nodded to the painting above. "These are Bruce Wayne's parents?"

Alfred turned to the painting. He slowly nodded. "Yes, they were, sir," he responded in a gentle voice.

Dick looked at Alfred. He looked at his face. There was a small hint of pain that began spreading across Alfred's face. The Waynes were dead, that much was clear. Alfred seemed to be going down a heartbreaking memory lane. Dick looked away once Alfred's eyes began to look glassy.

After a few moments, Alfred spoke up again. "That photo was painted in here," Alfred said with a small crack in his voice. He cleared his throat, speaking again. "This was Master Bruce's bedroom when the portrait was done."

Dick's eyes widened. "Crap, this was Bruce Wayne's bedroom?"

Alfred nodded. "Is that an issue, sir?"

Dick bit his lip. He shook his head. "I just feel like it's a bit of an invasion of Bruce Wayne's painful past, you know?" Dick gestured to the painting. "This was his bedroom when his parents were alive, but they're dead now. I don't know if it's a good idea for a stranger like me to be here."

Alfred gave a warm smile. "Son, they died a very long time ago. Master Bruce has already mourned their deaths." Alfred began to turn around when he added something else. "Besides, it seemed a bit fitting considering your circumstances."

Dick's heart began to pound. Was he referring to his dead parents?

"On the other hand, if you wish to be moved to a different bedroom, I'd be happy to escort you to another," Alfred suggested. "However, none are as spacious & elegant as this one."

Dick glanced around the bedroom. It did feel weird sleeping in Bruce Wayne's childhood bedroom. It felt even stranger with that portrait of his dead parents hung on the wall opposite from the bed, as if they'd be watching that bed for the rest of eternity.

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