Chapter XXXIV: Revelations

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Dick sat in the large leather chair behind Bruce Wayne's desk with his legs crossed on the top surface of the desk. He held his phone with one hand & a glass of whiskey in the other. He had stumbled upon the whiskey as he poked around the large office, which resembled more like a library than anything. He found several bottles of hard liquor behind the desk chair on several shelves. He chose a bottle of Irish whiskey & began to pour it into one of Bruce's many glasses he had laid out by his drinks. Once he had sat down, he had a few sips of the drink, but after he had drank all of it, he went back to grab the whole bottle & kept it on the desk beside him. Dick looked through his phone & went through his contacts. He came across Roy's name & felt the sudden urge to call him.

Dick pressed the call icon on Roy's contact & waited for Roy to answer. After a few rings, Dick heard the staticy voice on the phone.

"Hello?" Roy said.

Dick sniffed. "Hey, Roy. What are you up to?"

"Uh, well...not much. I'm at Olympus right now. Jim & I are just kind of relaxing at the moment. Why? What's up?"

"Nothing's up. Nothing...really."

Roy was quiet for a brief moment. "Dick...did something happen?"

Dick let out a soft laugh. "Dude, I really don't know what happened to be fucking honest."

Roy sighed. "Oh god," he mumbled. "What is this about?"

Dick let out a deep shaky breath. "They left, Roy."

"Wait, what?"

"They left. Everyone. This morning, Raven got everyone to just pack some things & leave."

"Raven? Who's...oh, Rachel, never mind. But it's only been a few days. Does she think Cadmus has stopped tracing them?"

Dick shook his head. "No, man, it's not about Cadmus. It was me."

"What did YOU do?"

Dick let out another unstable laugh. "That's the fucking beauty of it, man. I really don't fucking know."

Roy kept silent for a few moments. He sighed. Dick could hear the frustration in his voice. "Alright, start from the beginning."

Dick let out a deep breath. He didn't know where he would start. Dick took another sip from the glass & spoke. "Okay. Last night, we went to a club. All of us. Rachel was sulking. Logan was being nervous, & Victor & Conner managed to blend in. Kori & I danced a little."

"Wait, I'm confused."

Dick sighed.

"You guys went to a club?"


"How? Logan is fucking green & Victor is a fucking robot."

"Rachel did a cloaking spell or something."

"Oh. Okay...but who's Conner?"

Dick sighed. "We decided to call that one dude Conner. He was the shady guy who could fly & didn't have any memories of anything."

Roy was silent. "Okay. Sure. Continue."

Dick rolled his eyes. "Yeah, so we went clubbing. Then Nolan Drake came in out of nowhere & decided to toss smoke bombs at us. He shot up the whole club, Roy. We fought him & his men, all of us, but...he turned into something disgusting. Like, it was crazy."

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