Chapter V: Playboy

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Dick followed Bruce Wayne & Alfred outside of the apartment building to their Lincoln parked out in front. Alfred opened the back door for Bruce & Dick & he walked over to the driver's end.

Bruce stepped back. "After you," Bruce said, gesturing for Dick to enter first.

Dick straightened his back, arms crossed. "Mr. Wayne, I'm flattered to go on a ride in your fancy ass ride & all, but I've had a hell of a week. Actually, it's only been a couple of days. I'm not really sure at this point. But I'm a little on edge, so pardon me if I'm hesitant to go on a ride with a stranger."

Bruce smiled. "I'm a stranger?" he asked. "You know who I am, Dick."

Dick let out a frustrated sigh. "Sure, okay, you got a point, but how do YOU know ME? Why come all this way to find me?"

Bruce nodded to the car. "Take a ride with me, & maybe I'll explain it."

Dick looked back at the seat. He turned and looked up at the building where Clark & Lois were. Dick hoped he'd see them again.

Dick turned back to Bruce & nodded. He walked over & slide into the backseat of Bruce Wayne's car. Bruce followed, shutting the door behind him.

Dick took a moment to adjust the inside of the car. The first thing that hit him was the scent. The car smelled so fresh, like a snowy day in a forest. Something Dick had only experience a few times while traveling in the circus. Dick took a moment & breathed in deeply. A slight smile grew on his face.

"Overwhelming?" Bruce asked.

Dick turned to Bruce. He shrugged. "Just a bit," he responded. "I'm trying to stay whelmed."

The car began to hum as Alfred began driving. The vibration of the car was so miniscule, it was almost unnoticeable.

Dick's hands began to rub against the leather that the seats were made of. The leather was so smooth. For some reason, the leather made Dick think of his old Flying Grayson's costume. Dick shuddered at the thought and pushed the image from his mind.

Bruce pulled out a suitcase from the floor of the car and opened it. Inside were a few documents. Bruce handed them to Dick.

Dick wiped his hands on his jeans before taking the bright white paper. The first document was an adoption letter. It was from Gotham City Orphanage. It was stating that Bruce Wayne was now the legal guardian of Richard John Grayson. Louise Baxter had signed off on it.

Dick looked up at Bruce, confused. "Why would you want to adopt me?" he asked.

Bruce looked at Dick. "Dick, you don't just ask an adult why they're adopting a child."

Dick rolled his eyes. "Alright, first off, I'm not a child, I'm 16 years old. Secondly, I'm asking why why you're adopting ME specifically."

Bruce eyed Dick for a moment. He sighed. "You know a lie when you hear one," he started. "I suppose there's no other way to beat around the bush, so I'll just come out & say it." Bruce began picking at the bottom of his suit jacket with his fingers. "You're a wanted fugitive in Gotham City."

Dick's heart didn't skip a beat. He felt his heart stop beating altogether. Dick had to remind himself to breathe again. Then Bruce continued. "I have a friend in the GCPD, & they recently put out an APB on a Richard "Dick" Grayson. I was told it had something to do with an underground fight club that apparently caused some structural damage to the city's foundation. Some suspects were pulled & questioned. Each of them said that you were the one who caused the damage."

Dick nodded slowly. His hands had curled into fists. Damn Nolan & Rodrick, Dick thought to looked up at Bruce. "That doesn't explain why you're adopting me suddenly."

Bruce let out another frustrated sigh. Dick knew he was pissing Bruce Wayne off. He didn't care. Dick was stubborn; he knew that. He wanted a real answer & was going to get it.

"Dick, my friend & I, we both realize that the whole case is corrupted. In fact, the entire city is corrupted. Old Gotham was JUST as corrupted, so when I heard the blame of the subway explosions were placed on you, I knew it wasn't right. I remembered you, Dick. The Flying Grayson. I saw a couple of your shows. It seemed like magic, the way you flipped & flew through the air. It seemed like instinct for you. As if it was something you were born to do. Like being a Flying Grayson is in your blood. You were inspirational to me at 8 years old. You're older now, but you don't seem capable of dark things."

Dick turned away from Bruce. He tried hard to fight the tears. He managed to force them back & clear his throat. He turned back to Bruce. "You have no idea what it was like down there," he said softly. "You have no idea how dark it made me."

Bruce shook his head. "I know about darkness, Dick. I've seen it."

Dick scoffed. "Please, you're a playboy millionaire who has enough money to blow on parties, bitches, & luxury. The only darkness you know is the dark emptiness of a wine bottle." Dick immediately wish he had taken back what he said. It might have been a bit harsh.

Bruce cleared his throat. "Billionaire," he mumbled quietly.

Dick nodded slowly. "Billionaire," he repeated.

Bruce laid a hand on Dick's shoulder. "You have a billionaire who is willing to put himself on the line to shelter YOU, a teenage criminal. You really can't get it any better than this."

Dick nodded. "I supposed," he said as he stared out the car window. He watched as they began to leave Metropolis & headed towards Gotham. If Bruce Wayne really did somehow know who Dick was & wanted to make sure he wasn't accused of anything wrong in Gotham...then why did Bruce Wayne drive all the way to Metropolis to bring him back to Gotham? He would've been safer in Metropolis...right? Why bring him back to where people would be looking for him? What did Bruce Wayne, playboy billionaire, really want with Dick Grayson, Gotham City fugitive?

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