Chapter XXI: Where Were You

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Dick walked out of the bathroom after having just taken a long shower. He felt clean from the workout he had just done, & was ready to take a long nap. Dick readjusted the towel wrapped around his waist & walked to his nightstand, where he had left his phone. He saw a few texts from Barbara.

Dick & Barbara had begun to forget about the coffee shop bombing the week before. They were both still phased. Barbara believed it was a horrible thing & felt deeply sorry for the victims. She didn't know what had really happened. With that boy, with his chant, with his message. "Hell is home."

Dick had done his best to keep Barbara out of the dark about Nolan Drake & the threats he had made to the city. Dick kept his nights he spent searching for answers a secret. The Old Gotham underground, Chinatown, Olympus, all of those, he made sure Barbara didn't think to ask him OR her father about those. It didn't feel right, though. It felt so disgusting to lie about that to her. Dick wanted to tell her so badly.

But then Dick remembered what Gordon had told him. His life would bring danger to her. He had to learn to accept that truth.

Dick opened the texts from Barbara. They were just a few selfie photos & one asking Dick which she should post on Instagram. He wasn't sure how Instagram worked, but he didn't know what photo to pick; they were all beautiful photos of her. Dick sighed and told her he loved them all. She sent a reply back saying "Aw! I guess I'll post the one with less boob lol."'

Dick laughed softly to himself. He sent his phone down and sat on his bed. Dick swung his legs up onto the bed & crossed his legs. He turned his body towards the foot of the bed & shut his eyes. He began breathing deeply. He used to mediate. He started after Cheyenne left the orphanage, & a few times in Old Gotham whenever he got a chance. He found it never really helped. He wasn't sure if he was doing it wrong or not. He didn't feel calmer, he didn't feel relaxed. Over time, it became more of just a thing for Dick to do.

Dick's phone vibrated. He opened his eyes and reached back for his phone. Dick opened the text & realized it wasn't from Barbara. It was a text from a blocked number.

"Riddle me this: We're five little items of an everyday sort; you'll find us all in 'a tennis court'. What are we? - Enigma"

Dick raised his eyebrow. He reread the text a few more times, confused. Who was this, & why were they sending him a riddle?

Dick shook his head and replied saying "Who is this?"

The response was the same message forwarded again. "Riddle me this: We're five little items of an everyday sort; you'll find us all in 'a tennis court'. What are we? - Enigma"

Dick noted the last part of the text. It said "Enigma." Like a puzzle, or a cipher. Or a riddle.

Dick reread the message for the second time. Five little items of an everyday sort. Found in a tennis court. Dick thought about tennis. Tennis balls, tennis nets, tennis rackets. There were also tennis players, along with the audience. But those weren't items of an everyday sort.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door that startled Dick. "Shit," Dick mumbled to himself. "Come in."

The door cracked open & Alfred's head popped in. "Evening, Master Grayson. I've just made an excellent pot of Cajun style gumbo for dinner if you're interested."

Dick grinned softly. "Oh, I love gumbo. My mom got me some for the first time when we traveled down to Louisiana. I'll come down for some in a bit."

Alfred nodded. He had begun to pull his head back from the door when Dick called out his name again. "Alfred, wait!"

Alfred looked up at Dick. "Yes?"

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