Chapter XXXVIII: Redemption

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Dick ran across the rooftops of the Gotham City skyline, towards the bright lights. He had to get to City Hall. Fast.

Dick leaped, flew, glided, & fell over & around & above the buildings, making his way back to the Batman. He needed to secure the area before Nolan Drake could make his attack. But if Dick had the chance, & he was face to face with Nolan, he would do it. Dick would make Nolan pay for what he did to those 14 people that died in the first attack, & the children injured in the school explosion. He would make Nolan pay for what he did to Cheyenne in Chinatown. He would make Nolan pay for what he did to Cullen Harper. Dick was going to kill Nolan Drake.

As he zipped through the rooftops, his thoughts were clouded with the advice given to him by Bruce, Jim, & Barbara. He shouldn't succumb to the darkness in him. He shouldn't kill Nolan in cold blood.

But would he be given a choice?

Bruce told Dick that vengeance doesn't bring back the dead. He was right about that. But...Dick wasn't trying to bring back the dead. He was trying to put down a monster.

Suddenly, he heard the Mayor's voice boom across a few city block. Dick cringed. The State of the City Address was starting.

Dick started to book it, running faster than he had ever tried before. As he ran, he could feel his feet stomping on the concrete of the rooftops. He wished his feet didn't have to bare those obnoxious boots.

Finally, after making his way across two more buildings, he found himself peering over what looked like most of the city's elite community observing the front of the City Hall. Mayor Quincy Sharp was already at the podium, welcoming the guests. Dick sighed. He had to be on high alert, now.

"Nice of you to drop by, Robin," Bruce said over Dick's earpiece.

Dick glanced up & around to try & spot him. He managed to squint his eyes close enough to see the Batman, looming over the event from a building across from Dick. The Batman looked terrifying in the darkness from afar. Dick pressed his earpiece to speak. "I was caught up with other matters, Batman."

"Did you at least find anything?" Bruce asked.

"Well, I found that car," Dick started to explain. "It was parked outside an apartment that Drake was living in. I managed to steal files from his computer setup over there. We may find anything else he might've been planning aside from this."

Bruce didn't respond. Dick watched as the Batman continued to stare down into City Hall. Dick sighed. He wanted Bruce to be impressed, to some degree. Dick cleared his throat & spoke again. "Nolan Drake kidnapped a child."

Dick saw the Batman glance up at Dick. "What?" Bruce asked.

Dick took a deep breath. "There was a guy in the apartment. Some dude. I think it was Drake's lover. It was a little weird, but...Nolan was hiding a kid in his closet as a prisoner. I think he sexually abused the boy."

Bruce stayed silent for a moment. Dick felt awful. He wish he hadn't said it. Bringing it up again made Dick's stomach churn. He was disgusted & heartbroken by the heinous crime. Finally, Bruce spoke. "Where is the boy now?"

"I had a friend notify Jim Gordon to pick the kid up. He's safe, now."

Dick watched as the Batman stood up slowly at his post. "Good job, Robin."

Dick felt a faint smile rise over his face, but slowly fade away again. The job wasn't done. Dick stood up, staring down into the crowd. "Any suspicious activity?"

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