Chapter XV: Hung

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"One, two, three!" Roy grunted as he lifted Rodrick's feet up, Dick carrying the arms. They stumbled and struggled to carry the body out of the apartment & down the stairs.

"Thanks again for coming on short notice, man," Dick gasped.

Roy let out a low growl as he tripped walking backward down the stairs. He caught his balance. "Fuck you, man."

The two continued to struggle. They made their way down the steps into the lobby, which was still empty. Roy shoved the front door open with Dick behind him. They stumbled out onto the street & laid Rodrick down onto the ground.

The two caught their breaths. "Dude," DIck started, "when did the guy say he'd be here?"

Roy sighed. "I don't know, man, like, 15 minutes?"

Dick nodded, still breathing heavily. "What do we tell the cabbie about him?" he asked, nodding to Rodrick.

Roy scoffed. "I thought you knew!"

Dick groaned & kicked his foot into the ground out of frustration. He snapped his fingers, suddenly catching an idea. "Okay dude, this is what's gonna happen. You & me will act a little tipsy."


"Yeah, man, tipsy. You know, like, not too drunk, but-"

"I know what tipsy is, Dick."

Dick nodded. "It'll look like we came from some party. As far as anyone knows, Rodrick just knocked the fuck out."

"He did knock the fuck out," Roy finished just as a taxi pulled up next to the trio on the curb.

Roy reached over and opened the door to the back seat. "Aw, shit, dude, I totally fucked her so good!"

The taxi driver turned back in his eat. He was bald with a large black man with a thick beard. His eyes were wide with surprise. "Excuse me?" he called.

Dick bit his lip in anger, but went along with it. He slid into the back seat, carrying Rodrick behind him. He laid him down on his lap. "Oh, dude, I'm sorry, sir, we're a little fucked up."

"I can see that," the taxi driver said.

Roy opened the passenger seat door. He sat next to the taxi driver. "Oh, man, what a night. Can you take me home, dude?"

"Where's 'home?'"

Roy let out a fake obnoxious laugh. He turned back to Dick. "Holy fuck, I forgot where I live!" Roy began crying in a melodramatic manor. "Oh

The taxi driver sighed and began driving down the road. "I'll drive y'all anywhere if you promise not to make a mess with y'all's throwup, understand?"

"Okay," Roy said right after pretending to gag.

The taxi driver began yelling at Roy while driving. After a few moments, the driver turned his head to Roy to yell at him. He didn't notice the two men walking from either side of the street with large machine guns pointed at them.

Suddenly, multiple loud bangs blew up, like firecrackers on the 4th of July. The taxi car was being shot at. The windshield exploded, shards of glass blowing into Dick's face. Roy & the taxi driver were yelling as the world spun out of control outside the shattered windows. Dick held on to the door handle as the car began to rock from side to side. The car eventually flipped completely upside down.

Dick fell onto the roof of the car with Rodrick underneath him. His body hurt so much. It throbbed with a heavy painful pulse. He cursed his horrible luck & crawled out of the car.

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