Chapter VIII: Interrogation

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Dick sat at the table in the dark interrogation room, staring at the guard by the door. He stared right back at Dick with a stern face, as if attempting to intimidate him. It was working.

Dick grinded his teeth, upset he had got himself in the situation in the first place. He didn't know how long he would be waiting, but he certainly hoped it wasn't long enough for Bruce to find out. It felt like Dick had waited for a few hours. It was like he was in a prison. Dick was thankful they hadn't kept the handcuffs on him in the room.

Suddenly the door swung opened, and a large burly man walked in, followed by another man in average height. The larger man wore a fedora and a dark shirt with overalls. His sleeves were rolled up, revealing dark tattoos on his hairy, muscular arms. The man behind him wore a black coat over a bright shirt and a blue tie. He had a small mustache and wore wire framed glasses. He carried a few manila colored folders in his hand.

The larger man spoke first. "Richard John Grayson, am I right?" he asked in a loud and deep voice. Dick simply nodded. "I'm Detective Harvey Bullock." He pointed to the smaller man behind him with his thumb. "This guy here is Jim Gordon. We're going to ask you a few questions. Cooperate, and this will go by fast and smooth, and I can go home. Alright?"

Dick nodded slowly, keeping in mind that the man hadn't said anything about Dick returning home.

Detective Bullock nodded with a slight grin and took a seat across from Dick at the table. He leaned forward on the table, close to Dick. Dick could see the gray stubble around the man's chin. His body reeked of a sickening odor, like he had bathed in dead bodies and forgot to wash up.

Detective Bullock cleared his throat. "Why'd you blow it up, kid?"

Dick's eyes rose open. He was afraid to speak out of turn, but spoke anyway. "Wait, what?"

Bullock sat back. "Gotham City Underground. The subways. Why'd you blow it up?"

The guard standing by the door cleared his throat. "Excuse me sir, but, um, I don't think that's why he's in here."

Bullock slowly turned back to the guard, an irritated look on his face. "What?"

The guard swallowed. "Uh, the cop who brought him in, he was some sort of neighborhood watch. He said this kid broke into a family home or something."

Bullock slammed his hand on the table, causing everyone in the room to flinch. "'Broke into a family home OR SOMETHING?!'" He repeated. "What the hell is wrong with you, did you bring me the wrong kid, or are YOU in the wrong room?!"

Finally, Jim Gordon spoke. His voice was a bit softer, but just as deep. "Harvey, the man's right, they brought him in for a breaking and entering. This is the same kid who the suspects are saying blew the subways up, though."

Bullock slowly turned back to Dick. His furious glare suddenly turned menacing. "Oh my God, this kid blew an abandoned subway station up, and broke into a home within a week, and he's shaking like a kid about to be spanked!" Bullock stood up and reached over the table, grabbing Dick's shirt collar and brought him close to Bullock's face. The odor was so strong Dick could taste it. "Oh, boy, I oughta spank the shit out of you; maybe it'll teach you not to fuck with my city, huh?"

Dick fought hard not to respond with a smart ass remark, yet the words he thought managed to escape his mouth. "This isn't your city. You're gonna wish you handcuffed me to the chair, because I'm about to teach you whose city this really is."

"Oh, that's it!" Bullock snarled before reaching back with his right hand, about to throw a punch with the brick he had for a fist. Suddenly Bullock was pulled back by Gordon.

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