Chapter XX: Thank You

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Dick limped towards the police tapeline surrounding the block of the coffee shop bombing. He scoffed at the tape & pulled it up, sneaking underneath the tapeline.

Dick took the time to call Barbara after he returned from the hospital. They talked about what happened. She told Dick that she was glad that he was alright. He said the same to her. She asked when he would want to have another study date. Dick said he would get back to her on that.

Three days had passed since the incident. Dick left the hospital and returned to Wayne Manor to recover. It hadn't taken long. Dick continued to exercise & train with the damaged leg. "Push past your limit," he told himself. "Past the pain." Dick punched bags & walls, he pushed past his limits & physical pain, but the guilt was still there.

Dick looked about the debris of the city block. The entire sidewalk had been sunken in, as though a meteor had fallen to Earth & caused a crater. The coffee shop was empty, with its sign hanging by one side. The windows were blasted inward, revealing the empty space inside. There were a few parked cars beside the bombing. Some had blown up. The ashy remains of those vehicles stayed where they were, beside the sidewalk. The trashbin, surprisingly, was only crumbled in the center of the crater.

Dick sighed. He stepped down into the crater, towards the trash can that destroyed 14 people's lives.

Dick struggled to climb down the rubble, scabbing his palms as he gripped the jarred concrete underneath his feet. He managed to reach the trash can at the center of the crater, but the metal had been blown apart into different pieces. Dick kneeled down and examined the what was left of the trash can. Something had bothered him for a while.

The day the coffee shop was attacked, when the boy placed the cup into the trash can, he had shouted "Hell is Home." That was a clear nod to Nolan Drake taking credit to the act of terrorism. But...the trash can began to smoke. The bomb had been planted before the cup was dropped into the can. Was the cup a cue for the bomb to be detonated, perhaps remotely from another location?

"Hello?" a voice called from above Dick. He startledly looked back, getting up from the ground where he hope he'd find the remains of the bomb. Dick looked up to where the voice came from. He saw a silhouette of a woman against the light of the sun. Her body was skinny, & her clothes were form fitting. Her hair was let down her shoulders.

Dick struggled to climb back up the crater. As he got closer, he saw the woman more clearly. She was a blonde woman. She was a grown woman, maybe 30 or so. She was wearing yoga pants & a exercising tank top. They were Nikes. Dick liked Adidas better. But she was really pretty.

"Hi," she started. "Do you remember me?"

Dick shook his head softly. "No, I'm don't," he said dumbfoundedly. "I'm sorry," he said nervously, glancing back at the tapeline around the crater. "I know I shouldn't be here."

The woman shrugged. "I know, neither should I. But this is the block I go through to jog after work, & I didn't want to mess up my routine." She cleared her throat. "Um, my name is Janet, by the way."

Dick smiled shyly. "Dick," he said softly. He bit his lip nervously, confused as to why she had approached Dick.

Janet continued. "I came by here three days ago. I had been right here when that bomb went off. I had my daughter with me on a baby carriage. But then I was saved by a guardian angel. A young boy selfishly threw himself at a complete stranger & managed to push my daughter out of harm's way. You saved my life, Dick. You saved my daughter's life. I don't have words to express how grateful I am, & I don't think there's anything I can ever to do repay you. But...I would like to start by saying thank you."

Dick felt his chest grow light. He couldn't explain what he was feeling. He didn't expect this at all. He didn't ask for this. felt good. He didn't know if he was proud, or if he was appreciative, or if he was embarrassed. He had never done anything like this before. He had never...saved a life. He didn't know how to react to this.

Then Dick took a deep breath and decided to act normal for a moment. Dick smiled softly to the Janet & relaxed. "You're welcome," Dick simply said.

Janet's eyes began to well up with tears. Her breathing became shudder. Janet brought her hand up to her mouth, but the tears rolled down her eyes. She had turned her back to Dick, but her shoulders rose & fell heavily. Janet had begun crying.

Dick didn't know what to do. Did he say something wrong? Should he have said more?

Dick swallowed. He had unconsciously put his life on the line to help someone he didn't know. He could help her one more time.

Dick hesitated, but took a few steps towards Janet. Dick rose his hand up to her, then he place his palm softly against her shoulder. Janet quickly turned around and embraced Dick with a tight bear hug. She began to cry on his shoulders. Janet was a few inches taller than Dick, & her head was awkwardly against his shoulder. Her chest continued to rise & fall as she heaved and sobbed. She clenched to Dick's shirt. He rubbed his hand against Janet's back. He let her cry on his shoulder for a few more minutes. Then they sat on the debris, just staring at the crater. Then Janet left to finish her jog, & Dick walked home.

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