✔ Eight: "I'm not that special"

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After turning the washing machine on, I went to boil the kettle while I thought about what I'd make for breakfast.

From the couch, I heard light snoring and found that Jay was fast asleep. I wondered if he'd stayed up late to watch something on tv.

Remembering that Jay liked bacon, I got some out and decided to make an English breakfast for us.

He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes. His hair was a mess and the confused look on his face was absolutely priceless.

"Good morning," I smiled at him.

He gave me a small smile and got up to fold the blankets he'd slept with.

Maybe he wasn't a morning person.

While he went to put the blankets away, I put on some music to get myself in the mood for this morning's activity: cleaning the apartment. I plated up and poured some coffee for Jay and tea for me and I took it all to the dining table and began eating.

Jay returned. His hair was in a ponytail and he looked more awake than he did before.

"Morning." He said, sitting down.

"Hi. How's your ankle today?" I asked.

"Less swollen. Thank you."

I nodded.

"You fell asleep on the couch?"

He shook his head slightly.

"I... I found the bed uncomfortable." He said, looking down.

"Oh. Was the mattress too hard? I could get a replacement--"

"No. It's just... I guess the mattress is fine. I'm the problem."

"You're the problem?"

He nodded.

"I haven't slept on a bed in so long, it felt... weird; too soft." He said.

"And the couch?"

"It was better."

"So... how long do you think it'll take for you to be used to sleeping on a bed again?"

"I don't know."

I watched him eat for a moment then I decided to speak again.

"You must've been homeless for a while." I said.

Jay looked at me, saying nothing.

"H-How did it happen?" I inquired.

"I... I'm going to take a shower." He got up and hurried off.

Me and my big mouth!

I sat there with my face buried in my hands and I shook my head at my stupidity.

When I was done feeling like an idiot, I went to do the dishes and decided I'd clean later on when I got back from the mall.


After getting dressed, I walked back to the dining area with hopes that I'd still find my food on the table. Unfortunately, Liv had done the dishes and was digging in her handbag as she stood at the door.

"Are you going somewhere?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm going to buy some things at the mall." She said. "Can't find my car keys."

"Aren't they on the counter over there?" I pointed.

"Oh. Thanks." She smiled and went to get them.

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