✔ Thirteen: "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me."

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After what felt like ages of working, I finally got my first paycheck and I couldn't have been more thrilled, even though it wasn't much to be able to live off. At least I was making something, I thought.

I walked into the apartment and the sound of the TV being on told me that Liv was home.

I had a couple of groceries with me-- things that I'd noticed were running out in the house: butter, milk, eggs, bacon-- and I was quite nervous to see what Liv's reaction would be when she saw me with the food.

Her head turned as she sat on the couch and I gave her a smile.

"Jay?" She got up to see what I had with me.

"I went shopping." I told her.

Her face softened and I don't know why, but I felt like I'd let her down by doing the right thing. Weird.

"You didn't have to, Jay. I told you--"

"I wanted to. It feels right." I said.

She didn't respond so I carried the food to the kitchen where I started unloading them from the shopping bag and put them where they belonged.

"Thank you." Liv leaned onto the counter.

"No problem. It's the least I can do."

She smiled.

"Maybe one day I'll be able to buy you a new Mini because you've done so much for me." I smiled at her.

"I wouldn't mind that." She giggled.

I took the black notebook that I'd bought out of the grocery bag and placed it on the counter before crumpling up the brown paper bag and tossing it into the trash.

Liv looked at it for a moment, then she looked at me.

"A journal." I said to her.

She nodded and smiled.

"So... you got your first pay today." She said. "How do you feel?"

"Really good." I blushed, "Again, thank you for helping me, Liv."

"You need to save some of your money." She walked to the fridge. "I could do some research for you about investments?"

I looked at her, lost for words.

"Think about it. One day you'll be able to buy your own house with the money. Won't that be cool?" She smiled at me, closing the fridge after getting a carton of juice out.

"I... don't understand."

"Investments? You put your money there and then it grows over time--"

"I know what an investment is. I just don't understand why you're so helpful to me. I... I have nothing to give back to you in return."

Liv looked at me, studying my face for a moment, then she handed me a glass of juice.

"I had it hard when I was growing up." She said, "My mom couldn't get a job and my dad... He was sick. My brother had to drop out of school so I could go and he ended up doing crimes to help put food on the table. He was sent to juvenile detention for three years..."

I frowned but Olivia had a brave smile on her face.

"During that three years, we struggled, Jay. I lost my dad, we got kicked out of our home-- my mom and I-- and we ended up at a shelter. That time in my life taught me the value of appreciation. And after my brother came out of jail and got killed too while trying to save me when I was getting robbed... I just... promised myself that I'd help whoever I could, as much as I could. I'm helping you find your feet so that someday you can help someone else who really needs it." She said.

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