Chapter 35

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We finished eating breakfast. Which was really good I should say. My mom was a great cook I don't know how I'm going to live without her. Alli's cooking is the worst ever. No, I'm not shit talking because she knows this. Anyways back to breakfast.

"What are you guys doing today?" my mom asked.

"I don't know, maybe go shopping I want some new clothes and Brennen needs clothes," I said.

"True, true," Brennen said.

"Why?" I asked mom.

"I was wondering maybe we could hang out all of us," my mom said.

I nodded my head motioning her to continue telling us her plan.

"Since you all are going to be here for the rest of the day, maybe we could go to six flags? Brennen's mom and sister, Luke and Calum, you two," my mom finished.

This actually sounds like a good idea. I haven't hung out with my mom in the longest time. I looked over to Brennen for reassurance. He nodded.

"Sounds like a plan!" I squealed.

"You call Luke while I clean this up," my mom told me.

"Yes ma'am," I chuckled.

I went upstairs and knocked on the guest room.

"Luke!" I called. No answer.

"Calum?" I said again. Still no answer.

I called both of their names a few more times and still received no answer. What is going on? I tried turning the door knob but it was locked. I went downstairs and my mom was washing the dishes.

"Hey, mom do you know if Luke and Calum went somewhere early today?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah. Luke just called me saying they went on a date and are going to be out the entire day," she said.

"Oh, okay. I'll get get ready then," I said as I went to my room.

When I got to my room, Brennen was walking around. Taking in every detail of the room.

*Brennen's P.O.V.*

As I got to Destiny's room, I decided to look at the details. If we had been here a lot before, then maybe I'll be able to remember something.

I looked at the walls and realized that in one of the posters, Luke, Calum and two other guys were in it. Luke and Calum are in a band? Wow. I don't think they ever mentioned that. And it they did then I don't remember. I also noticed that there was an open cabinet below the tv. I walked over to it and saw a bunch of movies, vinyls and CDs. I saw the movie Grease. For some reason, I remember this movie. And I'm pretty sure it's Des's favorite. Not because she has it but I just have a feeling. I look through the vinyls amassed names of bands and artists and some seem familiar. The CDs are all of the same bands and artists. I stand up and continue taking in every detail of the room, still trying to remember something.

As I'm looking around, I feel someone's presence. I turn around and see Des standing in the doorway smiling at me.

"We would watch movies here every Friday night before college," she says.

I smile imaging us laying on the bed. Her head on my chest. My hands tangling in her hair. Falling asleep in that position and waking up realizing we didn't finish watching the movie and trying to finish it the next Friday night but the same thing would happen again.

"We would always fall asleep during the movie, and we tried finishing it the next night but we never succeeded," she said again with a chuckle.

Was that a memory, instead of my imagination? I have to know. I have to ask.

"Did I use to play with your hair, during movies?" I ask Des.

"All the time. I always like resting my head on your chest and you took advantage of my liking and played with my hair," she smiled.

"Jesus Christ," I whispered.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"I remember that!" I said in excitement looking at her.

*Destiny's P.O.V*

When he said he remembered our Friday nights watching movies, happiness rushed through me. Brennen is starting to remember things. That makes me really happy.

"Really?!" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes!" he practically yelled.

"I wonder where Ethan and Grayson are," he said randomly.

My heart started beating faster. Ethan and Grayson. They're the twins that helped us out that night. The night Brennen could've died. Did he remember that? God, I hope he didn't.

"What?" I asked.

"I don't know where those names came from. They just came up to my mind with that question. Do you know then? Did I know them?" he asked.

No. I can't tell him what happened. I can't tell him how we met them. I don't want him to know about all the chaos that happened.

"Yeah, they're some acquaintances of ours," I said. I'm not exactly lying, we never spoke again after that night. I don't know where they are now.

"How'd we meet them?" he asked.


Guys one more chapter then there will be a time lapse. I still don't have planned what going to happen or how long the time lapse will be of, but there will be one. This book is coming to an end.


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