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<<PLEASE NOTE: These are actual questions from actual people... I am not making them up. Where i got them i will not tell you because i don't want to get sued....>>

I like this boy and we talk LOTS but how am I supposed to tell him that I love him? How will he react? I am worried if I tell him he won’t even want to be my friend…. Help please!

Signed, Desperate.

Let me start off by saying, hello desperate. I’m sorry but if you are not even with this guy how you can say you love him? Just reading that i was thinking what the actual fuck because love takes a while and if you just like crush on him and decide you love him then it's not real. You might like him as a person but if he ever goes with you, whom i doubt, you might find out that you don't actually like him as a romantic interest. If you tell him about all this love stuff he will run so far from you it ain't even funny. I’m being nice here; i could say a lot more but I’ll refrain from being a total jackass by just saying stop acting so dang desperate!

I’m 15 and I have recently started searching the internet for sexual pictures. Even though it’s helping me understand about sex more, I feel horrible and dirty after it all. I want to find out more about sex but I don’t want to do it in this horrible way and I don’t feel as if I have anyone to talk to about it. Please help.

Signed, Confussled!

You dirty girl. Hehe I’m just kidding but serious don't even trip. You shouldn't be ashamed. If you ask your friends and let’s say they were given some truth serum or whatever, they would tell you that they've done it too. Everyone has done it before so don't ever think you're alone in this. You not now and never will be until the internet is somehow deleted. I don't know. 

    I’m not going to say talk to your parents or a teacher about it because we all know that shit is just awkward and weird... what i would say though, is talk to your friends. Make it into a fun discussion to kill the awkwardness. Who knows maybe you might learn more.

My dad is 50 and for quite a while now he's thrown up after every meal. It started, i think, when he began working at a factory with air conditioning. Do you think that this could be the problem? 

Signed, Not sure.

P.S all tests of food allergies were negative.

Are you fucking with me? Why would you even think that is connected in anyway. I’m not a doctor or anything but how does an air conditioned room make you sick after ever meal? Have you ever considered that he just doesn't like your cooking? What I would do, if I was you, is take him to the hospital and get him checked out because the longer you blame the air conditioning, the worse it will get.

My friend and i both like the same guy and now he's finally asked me out. What should i do? Should i betray my friendship for this guy?

Signed, I don't know.

You know what? If your friend gets mad then she's a jackass. Your friend should be happy for you that you have someone. Besides, the guy chose you not your friend. Your friend should understand that you're the one he wants and not her and if she doesn't then she's not a very good friend. Jealousy is a sin; let's all kill it!

I’ve been with my husband for eight years now and I’m starting to worry if I’ll ever have kids. He has kids already and has said he doesn't want any more. I feel as if life is slipping away from me. What should i do?

Signed, Lonely

Your husband is a selfish MOFO! How can he deprive you of the one thing every woman needs? He has his kids so he doesn't understand your need so tell him. If he still doesn't understand then PLEASE, leave his ass because he ain't worth it. No woman should have to go through life childless! Every woman needs to feel the pain of child birth and the beauty of holding something that came out of their vagina....

                   I’m getting so off subject. What I’m trying to say is give him a choice. Either he gives you what you want and need or you're walking. Stay strong girl and fight for what you deserve!

<< Hehe that was fun to write…. Even though those people will never see my version of answers i still felt i should write it. The original advices sucked ass! Anyway tune in for next week’s edition. Alright, i love you, bye <3 >>

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