Ask Miriam 2

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* THIS IS NUMBER TWO!! I hope you enjoy reading. I promise you that these are all real questions and i am in no way making them up. So, nyeh to the non-believers *sticks tongue out*. *

Dear Miriam...

         When i was younger i used to have these weird dreams about a monkey. The monkey was really nice to me and we would always hang out and go on wild adventures. When i turned 13 the dreams stopped coming to me. However, they've come back again. What does that mean?

Signed- Dreamer...

It means you are crazy! I’m sorry but that's just a little weird... I really shouldn't be saying anything to be honest because if you knew about my dreams... AKWARD!

to be honest i don't think it actually means anything deeply psychological or mystical seeing as I’m not one of those dream people who know what dreams mean. I think it just means you've been watching a little too much Tarzan...

I’m worried I’m too dependent on alcohol. i go out with my mates and we drink a lot and then we go out binge drinking on some of the weekends. At work I’ve started drinking vodka in the day. Do i have a problem?

Signed- Boozy May

I can't believe you're actually asking me that question. Of cause you have a problem!

               Not being a drinker myself i don't really see what the big fun thing around it is. Are you like depressed or something because most people who are depressed drink? I can't believe you're drinking while at work to that is just stupid. Grow up and face your problems without having to run to the bottle. It’s just sad and pathetic for someone your age. (I’m guessing you're older). if you don't think you can face your problems yourself, like you should, go and get some help because you're wasting yourself away and it's not fair for the people around you to see you like this.

My partner and i have been trying to find a flat for several months now and so far we've found nothing. It’s getting stressful and I’m starting to think we'll never find our perfect home. HELP!

Signed- Posh

You sound like one of them rich people who look their noses at everything. If it's true then that's why you can't find somewhere to live. There are thousands of places to live all over the country. If you would just lower your unreachable standards you would actually find a really nice place to live. there's no such thing as perfect anyway so if in your mind you’re looking for perfect then you’re gonna be house hunting for a long time.

i thought my dad was OK with my sexuality but the other night we were drinking and he confessed that he doesn't want a gay son living under his roof. 

                 I told my parents i was gay recently and they seemed to accept it which is why dad's outburst surprised me. It really hurts knowing what he really thinks and it's worse that he acts as if he never said anything. I don't want to stay with him any longer but i don't have the money to make it out by myself. How can i make him see that I’m still the same person?

Signed- Lonely

Oh my poor baby, come and give me a hug! *gives you hug*. Your dad sounds like a real douche. you are perfect the way you are and don't you forget it. Don’t try to change yourself for people who won't change for you. What happened to unconditional love anyway?

Pshh. i can't believe he said that too you. Hopefully he was just drunk and he didn't know what he was saying...? Anyway he should be able to see past your sexuality because you're still the same guy he knew since you were born. The only thing that's changed is that now he actually knows your sexuality.

You should give him time to digest everything but if you still feel really uncomfortable you can come and live with me * huge grin* i don't mind.

My girlfriend used to be a slag. She had loads of one night stands and threesomes. We love each other but her past makes it hard for me to be with her. What should i do?

Signed- Chav

Kinky! Did you guys have threesomes? * shocked cat face*. And i can't believe you called her a slag. Do you know what that means? It means the vitreous mass left as a residue by the melting of metallic ore; is that what she really is? No. so know your lingo before you start saying shit.

What I’m trying to say is; if you don't feel comfortable with being with her then you're not meant to be. if there's any sign of doubt in a relationship then it's never going to work. End it now before one of you gets seriously hurt because situations like these don't ever end well.

I recently heard my parent's having sex. I just quietly went to my room and pretended I didn’t hear anything. I feel really uncomfortable now knowing that they had sex. What should I do?

Signed- Scarred

Eew! I bet you're really scarred for life. I’d say i know what you mean but thankfully i don't because that would just depress me...

   Nobody wants to hear their parents doing the dirty but sometime in your life you will experience it; like it or not. And as uncomfortable as it is to say, and for me to write, everyone's parents do it. (I can't believe I’ve just said that! ** cringe**) we can't stop them doing it and i bet when you're older you'll be doing it. Would you want your kids to tell you not to?

   What I’m trying to say is just accept that they’re doing it and let it go because if you keep thinking about it, not only is it gross but it will stress you out. Just forget about it and move on with your life. It’s the best solution.

I’m 13 years old and I have strange stretch marks round my nipples. Please help!

Signed- Tainted

*Rolls on the floor laughing* don't worry I’m just joking! And don't worry about the stretch marks everyone has stretch marks somewhere on their body. Even the "perfect" girls we see around have them so don't fret about it. We all have things that we don't like about ourselves but getting all hyped over it isn't going to make it go away. 

                my mother told me that i should love my stretch marks ( i don't see why) but me being the insecure person i am didn't listen. So i bought numerous things to get rid of them. I would recommend Palmer's Cocoa Butter. It’s amazing and it smells like chocolate. Win win.

             Be patient because it will take a long time for it to make them magically vanish so just wait.

Oh that was fun :D i hope i answered people's dilemmas well and that I’ve put their minds at rest because there nothing i like better than helping the world. One problem at a time!

   * If you have any problems for me to answer, feel free to send me a message and I’ll answer it in the next eddition.*

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