Chapter 5

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Paige POV

At last, it's lunch time.

"Girls, i have detention after school. Guess i won't be hanging with yall today." I pouted.

"What did you do? Detention on the second day of school? Really?" Shay is annoyed.

"I did not do Ms Jenny's math homework. I totally forgotten about it until last night when im checking my notebook. It was last minute and i kinda knocked out." I've been playing with my food. No appetite to eat now.

"Oh gosh. Hey... Don't worry too much. Its just a detention. After that you could still come over to my place." Shay, trying to convince me is not enough. But thanks anyway.

"But the thing is, i've to complete ten sets of the homework before i can be released. How kind of you, Ms Jenny." I swear my blood is boiling. I mean if instead of ten sets, why not make it at least 3 sets for starters? So unfair.

"Wow." Is all Shay and Scarlette say.

"Anyway, i know the reason why Robert is being transferred to my class." I tried to change the topic. I explained every single thing that i heard and all too soon, break is over.

I rushed over to my locker to retrieve my biology books. After getting everything that i need, i slammed shut my locker.

"Are you okay, Paige? You looked pissed." Robert came into view. He seems worried.

"Yeah im fine. Its just that i have detention this afternoon. For the first time." Robert looked shocked now. Before he could say anything else, i finished for him, "because i did not do Ms Jenny' homework." A smile crept up his lips.

"Wow a badass now, Paige? Thought so. Well, I have to go grab my books from my locker. See you later." Why does he keep on leaving our conversation hanging?

Apparently, i love biology. It's my most favorite subject in this school. I paid attention in class and fully focused. I did all the assignments on time and im proud to be ahead in class for biology.

The school bell rang. Wait. Biology has ended? Too soon?


Currently, it's detention hour. And I'm still working on my third set. My fingers are aching from too much writing. I guess it's time for me to have my own break.

I looked around. It is just me, Dylan and a teacher. I looked at the teacher in charge. Busy catching stars in his dreams with his legs crossed on top of the table and a newspaper between his hands and his chest.

Dylan is too focused on completing his tasks. He looked so cute with that pen in between his teeth. Eh, cute?

"What?" Dylan is now looking at me.

"N..n..n...Nothing!" I shake my head. Why am i stuttering? I mentally slapped myself. Stupid me!

"You need help with anything?" Yes. Yes i need help. Please stop being so cute.

"Ermmm... If i asked you to do 3 of my sets, will you do it?" I asked even though i know what will the answer be.

"Yeah, sure. Give me." What? You must be kidding me.

"Last offer. Give me or i will not do for you." I didn't realize I've been staring at him with wide eyes. He is still looking at me.

"Really? How nice of you. But im just kidding." I can't have him do for me. It's taking advantage.

"Well, i have actually completed everything and i can hand it up now and leave. Then, you will be alone. Since you asked for help, i am more than happy to help. Especially its math. And plus, accompany you until you have completed yours. So, do you need help,Paige?" Too sincere. Too gentleman. I couldn't say anything else. Words can't even formed in my head. I just looked at him and open up my mouth but then close it again.

"I'll take it as a yes." He smiled and took 3 sets of papers on my desk.

After about half an hour, finally all work done, ready to hand up. We wake the teacher in charge and told him that we have completed the work. Soon, we were released.

"Thank you," i managed to say to Dylan.

"Anytime, Paige." He winked and walked away. Winked one more time and i will ripped your eyeballs Dylan! But still, i couldn't stop smiling.

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