Charter 28

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Paige POV

"Paige, meet me after class." Ms Jenny told me before the class begin.

I knitted my eyebrows. Have i done something wrong? Shouldn't be, right? I did all her assignments on time, raises my hands to clarify my doubt until everybody in class is totally annoyed well, except Dylan, of course, who is amused at me. I scored same marks as Dylan for tests and pop quizzes only that this time round, i did by myself. No copying from Dylan. I can frankly say that i have done no negative things.

Well, i put those thoughts away as soon as the class begin. I jotted down important notes, i did a few questions in advance to be ahead of the class. Soon, the class has already ended. Too soon? Hmm... I can't deny that I'm starting to love math. I can't admit that to Dylan. No no no.

I went over to Ms Jenny to meet her. My heart beats at a fast pace. It is like as if you have done something really bad and you have to face the consequences.

"Yes, Ms Jenny?"

"Ah, Paige. Did you cheat during tests using Dylan's answers?" Ms J. gave me that questioning look.

"Er... Nope. I did not." I tell her the truth.

"Are you sure?"

"100 percent sure."

"I was wondering how come you get the right answers as Dylan's. Alright, anyway, how have Dylan helped you so far?" Ms J. asked.

"Oh, he explained clearly at everything he teach me. He make it easy for me to understand. I used his methods to do the tests and quizzes that you gave and maybe that's why i have the same answers as Dylan." I explained to Ms J.

"That's good to hear. You have shown lots of improvement, academically. I hope this will not just stop here. Continue to work hard and put in more efforts in your studies. Keep up the good work, Paige." She patted my shoulder.

"I will, Ms Jenny. Thank you for your encouragement. If there's nothing else, I'll make a move first?" I am already beaming.

"Yeah. See you tomorrow." Ms J. dismisses me.

Yay! Another compliment. A step forward to reach my goal.

I was heading down to cafeteria with this stupid smile displaying on my face. I do really look like a fool. Anyway, who cares. I start queuing up to buy my food. Then, i proceed on walking towards my usual seat only when i tripped onto someone's foot. The tray that i was holding onto just now dropped from my grip. It felt like an eternity for me to hit the ground. Before i knew it, i felt two strong arms grab a hold of my body to prevent me from falling. I opened my eyes to see Dylan's hazelnut eyes. We're in this romantic position as if we're in a Cinderella story whereby the Prince is looking directly into the Cinderella's eyes and about to lean in to kiss her. I shook that thought away.

"Erm... Dylan, people are staring." I whispered to Dylan.

He looked like he doesn't even bothered about what i had just said. All i know is that, he is staring directly into my eyes. Too intense. I break away from his stare for the second time.

"Dylan." I whisper-yelled him.

He blinked a few times and come back to his realization. He clears his throat and said, "Paige, are you okay?" He is now in standing position with his hands still on my waist.

"Yeah I'm fine Dylan. Thank you." I moved away from his touch. Too awkward with all the stares that im receiving in the cafeteria.

"I'll buy for you lunch." He offered.

"It's okay. I'm not hungry anymore." Im not kidding.

"I'm serious, Paige." He does look serious though.

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