Chapter 20

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Song for this chapter is Little Do You Know by Alex and Sierra.

Robert POV

Hmmm...What should i wear later? A tuxedo? No way. This is not a date, right? Jeans and just tshirt? Naaahh so simple. Maybe a checked flannel and  black jeans? That will do.

I still can't believe Paige agreed to go out with me. I was so afraid to ask her. I don't know why. I waited till mid year has ended then i have the courage to ask her out. Maybe this is my chance to tell her that i like her. I can't let anyone be with her. I wanted to be there wherever she is. To protect her, pamper her, make her smile every second. I am suddenly so insecure.

Thinking back when Paige getting praises from Ms Jenny for getting highest mark in math, i couldn't forget her smile. Even though i knew she copied from Dylan, i don't care. I just want to see her smile. Everyday, i have this strong feeling that Paige have a crush on Dylan. The way Paige talks to him, get annoyed by him, smiled at him.. I couldn't deny that they would make a sweet couple. But Dylan have a girlfriend. Does Paige knows that?

It is currently two thirty and i am already on my way to Paige's house. On my hand, im holding a bouquet of flowers to give her. Just as I reached Paige's doorstep, my heart is beating real hard. What should i say when i see her? Roses are red, violet are blue. You look great and beautiful too? So cheesy. How about, Are you a library book? Because i can't stop checking you out. My mind is so occupied with pick up lines to noticed that Paige is already standing in front of me.

Wow, she looked extra gorgeous today. She even did a little effort of putting a light make up. With or without make up, there's no different. She look beautiful either way. She wears a green knee cut dress with a black cardigan and black flats.

"You look stunning." Was all i could say.

"Thank you, Robert." She said while pushing her stands of hair behind her right ear. I have the urge of doing that for her.

"Ermm... Anyways, this is for you." I gave her the bouquet of flowers.

"Why, thank you again, Robert. You don't have to." So polite. So sweet. And yes, that smile.

"But i want to. So, are we ready?" I asked.

"Give me  second. I just need to put these inside." She said pointing to her flowers.

"I can give you all my time, Paige." I teased her. Again, i earn a smile from her.

"Okay, im ready. Lets go." She said while locking her doors.

In the theater, we were watching this comedy movie. Scratch that. I was watching Paige watching this comedy movie. She laughed,oh that laugh, so good to hear. She look so focused on the movie. With that tiny hands grabbing popcorns and put it in her mouth to munch, what a sight to see. I wanted to do that for her. To feed her.

Just as the movie ended, i asked Paige, "how was the movie?"

"It was hilarious!" Paige exclaimed. "Thank you for the movie, Robert."

"Anything for you, Paige. Have you eaten? I mean, besides popcorn and before you see me." I asked hoping she would say no.

"Ermmm i had breakfast this morning. That's all." Good.

"I was wondering if you would want to have dinner with me. Im hungry." I make a sad face.

"Yeah, sure. I'm fine with it." Yes!

"Great!" No words can describe how happy i am.

Meanwhile in the restaurant...

"Paige, can i ask you something?"


"Do you like Dylan?" I had to ask.

"If you mean by friends then yes." Phew. "Why?"

"Just asking."

"Paige, i want to tell you something." Am i ready to see her reaction?

"What is it?" She is enjoying her food to notice that im actually...nervous?

"I...i.. Hmmm. I actually like–" An obnoxious ringtone break my sentence.

"Sorry." Paige said and then picked up her phone.

While she was talking on the phone, i was debating with myself whether or not i should tell her that i like her. After much debating, i have finally decided. Now or never.

"It was my mum. Sorry. What is it that you were telling me?" She asked sweetly.

"I was actually trying to tell you that... I...i like you, Paige. Since the day i met you. You are different from other girls i met. Well,normally in class you don't talk much. You and me rarely even talked. The fact that i really wanted to talk to you makes me attracted to you even more, i guess. So i had the thought that if i ask you on a date, then probably i can hear you talk more,and get to know you better. Also,its really rare for me to see you smile. Whenever i see you smile,makes me really happy because to me,it's like a once in a lifetime experience, Paige." Suddenly, i have the courage to say everything i wanted to say. It is now or never.

Paige is staring at me wide eyed. She stopped munching her food and continue staring at me. I was really afraid if she would shout at me of being ridiculous in this restaurant.


"Robert...that is so sweet of you. But...hmmm how to put this into sentence? Okay, i... I'm not ready to be in a relationship. Im so alien to this. Don't set you hopes too high for me, Robert. Im not good enough for you. But im so proud of you for having the guts to tell me your feelings. Im sorry, Robert." Ouch. Rejected.

"It's okay Paige. I'm sorry about the awkwardness that i landed on you. I just needed to get those thoughts out of the way. I hope that this does not jeopardize our friendship. I'm cool with your decision and hey, I'm guessing it's normal in life to face rejection,and it's my first time too,so I'm guessing its kind of a learning experience for me." To be honest, I'm quite relieved to reveal my feelings towards her.

Paige put her left hand on top of my right hand on the table. "I'm sorry, Robert."

"It's okay. I'm cool with it." Deep down, it hurt so much, Paige. I've been waiting for years to tell you this.

After dropping off Paige at her doorstep, Paige gave me a warm hug. I was taken aback but quickly hugged her back as tightly as i can. I don't want to let go.

"Robert... I have to go."

"Just give me a minute, Paige. Please." I begged her still hugging her though. One minute literally feels like one second. I have to let go.

"Thank you for today, Paige. See you tomorrow."

"And i you."

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