Chapter 6

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Paige POV

I dialed Shay's number in my phone. It went straight to her voicemail. "Hello, it's Shay. Im busy right now. Leave me a message. Bye!"

"Shay, it's me, Paige. I won't be hanging out at your place today. Im too tired. Sorry Shay. See you tomorrow." I ended the call.

By the time i reached home, it's already 6pm. I had my dinner alone. Having spaghetti as my meal made by my mum, makes me full and sleepy. Mum is sitting on the couch, talking on the phone probably chatting with her friend. I don't want to interrupt her as I'm already exhausted. Quietly, i sneak upstairs and into my bedroom and flopped down on my comfy bed. I find that my bed is extra comfy today and i ended drifting off to sleep.

This had been my daily routine for about a month now. After school, either hanging out at Shay's place or being home early. Besides that, I've been working as a barista at a nearby cafe every weekend, earning some money for my school expenses. I do not depend too much on my parents for money. I just don't feel like it.

Getting homeworks every lesson, every single day is no fun. I just can't keep up. Too much knowledge to be stored in my brain. Sometimes, i just feels like the knowledge is overloading and at any time, my brain is ready to explode. This is just a month of school. I still have to survive another nine more months! May god bless me.

I am currently working at a cafe. Started at 2pm and will end my mid shift at 10pm. After washing my hands with soap and done putting on my apron, i head towards the counter.

"Hi, good afternoon, Sir! What can i do for you?" I waited patiently for the customer to make the order.

"Hi. Can i have a medium caramel macchiato with a wild berry muffin please? I'll have it here. Thank you." I keyed in his order onto the monitor.

After collecting the payment, i proceed with heating up the muffin. Next i prepare a fresh milk in a jug and insert a thermometer. I pour cream brulee syrup according to the stated amount into the mug. Just in time, the microwave beep. I took out the muffin and decorated it with a caramel sauce on the plate and placed it on top of the tray. Then, i take my milk jug and place it under the steam wand and start steaming the milk. A little bit of tilting the jug, i'll get the foam. Just as the thermometer reached 60 degree celcius, i stopped steaming. I pull out the jug from the steam wand and place it on the table. I take a cloth and wiped off the milk stain on the steam wand. I proceed with swirling my milk before i pour onto the syrup. After pouring up to 3/4 of the cup, i placed the mug under the coffee dispenser and pressed medium pour. After about ten seconds, i pull out the mug and decorated a double zig zag cross using caramel sauce on top of it and taaadaaaaa, im done. I place the mug onto the tray next to the muffin.

"Here you go, Sir. Enjoy your drink and have a nice day!" I chirped happily.

"Hi, good afternoon. How can i help you?" My second order of the day.

"Hi Paige! So, you work here eh?" I didn't realize it was Dylan. I saw him smirking.

"Dylan! What are you doing here?" After i just recalled back my question, i mentally smacked my forehead.

"To buy your drink, of course." Duhh, Paige.

"Right. Can i have your order?"

"I"ll have a ice latte with sugar syrup, please." I keyed his order in the monitor.

After i returned his change, he asked, " how long have you been working here?"

"Coming this June, it will be 2 years." I answered him while preparing his drink.

"Wow, not bad. You like working here?" He is so nosy.

"Yeah, of course." After covering the cup with a flat lit, i return to the counter.

"Do you need a carrier, Dylan?" I asked him as politely as i can.

"No thanks. But thank you, anyway. See you tomorrow, Paige." He smiled and then grabbed his drink and left.

After serving lots of customers, i felt extremely exhausted. Luckily, i had my break already. I checked the time. It showed 10pm. It is time to head home. Finally.

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