Chapter 25

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Paige POV

Of course Paige. I love her so much and nothing can separate us.

According to my theory of relationships, by relationship i meant, boyfriend girlfriend thingy, a boyfriend will stay loyal with his girlfriend. Am i right? Loyal as in, no cheating behind each other and always texting or calling every minute.

But, i can't see these in Dylan's status. Whenever i saw them, Dylan treats Kate like as if he treats his friends. Besides, he won't tell Kate that I've been hanging out with him. What kind of relationship is this? I smell something fishy going on here.

As soon as Dylan reached my home, i got down and unbuckle the helmet strap. I returned him the helmet and gave him my half forced smile.

"Thanks for the ride. I owe so so much."

"No worries." He grinned.

I head towards my doorstep when Dylan tugged my arm.

"Paige, you will understand one day. Be patient." He whispered ever so close to my ear.

"Wha–" I was cut off by Dylan's motor exhaust.

"See you in school." Then, he left.


Welcome back to Monday blues. There's so much thing going on today. One, we will be getting our results back. Two, i must avoid Robert. Three, I want to know what Dylan was talking about yesterday. Four, i must share my weekend stories with my baes. Five...

The list will go on and on. I let out a sigh of frustration. Finals another 4 more months and then high school is officially over. God, please give me the strength to overcome all challenges.

"Results are out! I am very disheartened towards the class performance. Im afraid, i have to meet most of your parents regarding your poor grades for mid year. I am really disappointed with all of you. Finals are just around the corner and you all are not showing any improvements at all! I'm going to read out these names. If your name is being called please come forward." Mrs Hemmington said pessimistically.

"Josh, Mikey, Cassandra..." She start calling out the names of my classmate.

"I can guarantee my name will be called." I told Dylan who is reading his TFIOS.

"We'll see." Dylan said, eyes locked onto his book.

"And... Paige." I thought so.

"Please come forward the names that i called upon." Mrs H. ordered.

I dragged myself out of my seat and gather at the front with the others.

"There is a reason why your name is being called. Your mid year exams results are horrendous. Very badly done. I will call your parents today to discuss the date that i am able to meet them and to acknowledge them about the bad performance in class. I guess that's all for now. Any questions?" Mrs H. explained, folding her arms and plus, with that disapproving look on her face.

"No, Mrs Hemmington." All of us said in unison.

"Good. Now go back to your seats." Mrs H. shooed us. Really? That's all? You could have said it in front of the class.

I walked back to my seat lazily and flopped down on the chair.

"What did she say?" Dylan so nosy eh.

"She have to meet my parents for my excellent results!" I answered sardonically.

"Yeah right." Dylan rolled his eyes.

"My results are pretty bad. That's what Mrs. H said. She have to meet my parents to talk about it." I decided to tell the truth.

"It's okay. You can do better for finals, alright? Just don't give up your hopes." Dylan encouraged me.

"Easy for you to say. Hard enough for me to do." I sighed. He's smart. I can't be like him.

"It is never too late to buck up, Paige. I'm sure you have enough time to catch up whats left behind." Dylan said earnestly. I just smile a weak smile to him.

Soon, the bell rang. Time for lunch. I gather my things in my tote bag and bid goodbye to Dylan. I head outside of my classroom.

"Paige! Wait up!" I looked behind me to see Robert keeping up his walking pace. What do you want, Robert? I mentally asked myself. I ignored him and walked quickly towards the cafeteria.

"Paige, Paige. Please, stop." Robert tugged my arm forcefully. He turned me around so i was face to face with him.

"What?" I snapped.

"Paige, forgive me please. It wasn't my intention. You know i was drunk right?" Robert looked like a lost kitten. No. I won't fall into his trap.

"You're not my friend anymore. Leave me alone. And Don't. You. Ever. Touch. Me. Again." I gritted my teeth and pronounced the last sentence with emphasis.

"Oh, come on, Paige. You can't do this to me. Give me one more chance to make it up to you please Paige. I was not at the right state of mind that time. You knew that right?" Robert said like as if what he did to me hasn't ruined my reputation. He still have his hands on my arms. It creep me out at his touch. Seriously.

"Let me go or i will shout." I threatened.

"No. Say you forgive me then i will let you go." He challenged.

"HELP!!! THIS GUY IS MOLESTING ME!!" I screamed. I know it's kind of childish to shout like that. But well, i need help and it's the first thing that came into my mind.

"Be quiet!" Robert covered my mouth.

"Robert, let her go." And again, Dylan came into rescue. It seems like he is everywhere near me when im in danger.

"Go away. This is none of your goddamn business, Dylan." Robert shot Dylan a deathly glare.

"This is my business. I promised Paige that you will not touch her again. So, i tell you one more time, Robert. Let. Her. Go." Woah, Dylan still kept his promise.

"Not until she forgive me." Robert is really getting into everyone's nerve.

And again, Dylan's fist meets Robert's jaw. I think by now one or two of his tooth dropped already. Robert instantly let me go and he fell down on the concrete floor. Dylan grabbed my wrist and we walked away from the bleeding Robert.

"Did he hurt you, Paige?" Dylan stopped walking and turned to look at me.

"No. I'm fine. Thank you for saving me. I owe so too much already. I have no idea how am i going to repay you back." I said while looking directly into his hazelnut eyes.

"You don't owe me anything and you don't have to repay me anything, Paige. Im sincere to help you." Dylan said solemnly. He brushed his thumb against my cheek. I felt my cheeks turned deep crimson.

Someone cleared her throat. Oh, she is the last person on earth that i want to see right now.

"Dylan? What are you doing? I'm hungry honey. Let's go eat before lunch time is up." Kate is pulling Dylan away from me. Dylan turned around to look at me. All i see was an unreadable emotionless face plastered on his face.

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